February 8, 2007


I don't know why I've waited so long to post our baby names -- especially since they have been picked out for years. I was going to wait until they were born before announcing it on my blog, but what the hell. I am tired to calling them Baby A and Baby B.

Katherine Bailey (aka Baby A)
Carson Patrick (aka Baby B)

We decided to go with family names. Katherine is a long-standing family name on my mom's side of the family, but it hasn't been used in generations. It was the name of both of my Granny's Grannies. So, in a way, it's in honor of my maternal grandmother. I wanted to give her a strong name, and I've always loved that name. I even named my dolls Katherine when I was a little girl. Hubby and my mom call her Kate...although Hubby and I have gotten in a bad habit of calling her "Kater Tater" because she always looked like a little tater tot in her early ultrasounds. The nurses in the hospital nicknamed her "Little Stinker" because she was so difficult to pin down on the baby monitor.

Bailey is my maternal family name. Patrick is my paternal family name (my maiden name), and we are using it in honor of my dad who died last year. Carson is simply Hubby's favorite name. It's not a family name, just something he really loved...and I like it too.


Kerry Lynn said...

OK this is too weird, My daughter would have been named Katherine if it were up to me. It's my absolute favorite name...so strong and versitile...Kate, Katie, Katherine (or if Kater Tater floats your boat LOL). Love Carson too. AND I want to use my mother-in-law's maiden name Fitzpatrick as Jackson's middle name and My mother's maiden name, Newton as Madison's middle name. So ultimately I want them both to have two middle names. I haven't sold Chris on the idea but I know in a sappy moment he'll let me do whatever I want ;-)
Can't wait to hear what the peri says today!
In case you haven't read up on me, I'm going home today!!!

Shannon said...

Yes, this is too weird! If we would have been pregnant with boy/boy twins, the names would have been Carson and Jackson. Madison was Hubby's favorite girl name, but I had so do some serious arm twisting to get Katherine (which he thinks is "old" sounding). So if it would have been girl/girl twins, it would have been Katherine and Madison...although Kennedy was also a very strong contender (but mostly to piss off our Republican families). :) haha