February 3, 2007

I'm Home...for now!

This is the face of bloated, miserable, hospital-bound, 31 weeks pregnant with twins, never-been-heavier-in-my-life, pre-eclampsia woman. Scary stuff! I am amazed at this photo...not from a vanity point of view (I've gotten over that. It's all temporary and it's all relative.) but because they say the big sign of pre-eclampsia/pregnancy-induced-hypertension is swelling and bloating. I can really see it in this photo -- the hands, arms, face, neck, etc.

Anyway, Hubby spent the night with me at the hospital last night. He unfolded the double-size bed in the room, and we had a chance to cuddle and really talk. I can't begin to tell you how much it helped me. He has always had such a calming effect on me.

My OB came by to do his rounds at 6:30 AM (when does this man sleep?). He said he was comfortable enough with my vitals and numbers that we could try bed rest at home. Two hours later, we were pulling into our driveway. I am so happy to be home. It's impossible to truly rest at a hospital. There is always someone coming in to test something on you, stick a needle in you, etc. I am utterly exhausted and feel like I could sleep for a week. I am NOT out of the woods. The only cure for pre-eclampsia is delivery, so I have hopefully just bought myself some extra time...perhaps even a few weeks. I could go back in tomorrow or a month from now...it's impossible to say.

Hubby is working from home until all of this over with. He will be taking me to my doc appointments (which will be almost daily). I am off to bed....so happy to be home for now. Thanks for all of your well wishes and encouraging words. I may need them again soon.

1 comment:

seattlegal said...

So glad to hear that you are back home!