February 7, 2007

Planning their great escape?

I don't have a lot to report today. The babies have been extremely active today. It seems like non-stop kicking all day. I hope they are enjoying the last of their womb time. I sure have enjoyed feeling them today -- although enough is enough kiddos! -- I know I won't ever be pregnant again. Up until week 30, I had an easy, uncomplicated, fun pregnancy. I really enjoyed all of it, and it's a tad bit sad to think about how quickly it went by and how it will be ending very soon.

I have an appointment to see my OB in the morning. Then my peri doc on Friday morning. I am ready for a decision to be made. I think it will all depend on how Baby Girl looks at her Friday ultrasound.

As for me, I have had a mild headache all day, but when I checked my blood pressure at home it was okay (140/80)...not great, but not scary either. I have also had a return of heartburn, and I've been super hungry all day too. Strange.

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