December 21, 2006

Maggie: Jealous of the Pregnancy?

I'm a horrible dog-mommy. Yesterday was my black lab Maggie's 5th birthday and I completely forgot. [No, I am certainly not one of those people who throw a doggie birthday party or dress up my dogs, but I could have given her some gravy on her dog food or a piece of cheese...or something.]

One reason I forgot could be because she has been in the dog house a lot in recent months. When I was in my 3rd and 4th months of pregnancy, she started putting her ear up next to my belly. She had never done anything like that before, so I assumed maybe she could hear the twins' heart beats. I think I had read somewhere that it's possible. At the time I thought it was sweet and cute. In my 5th month we started working on the nursery -- removing the old furniture, painting the walls, putting in the nursery furniture, etc. We decided to ban her and our other dog (Schatzie...a friendly, Corgi-mix) from the nursery. I didn't want them getting their dog hair everywhere and I wanted to start establishing that that room was now off-limits to them. Anyway, it was around this time that Maggie started getting "bad." She has been getting into the trash (kitchen and bathrooms), pulling items off of the kitchen counters (bowls, loaves of bread, etc.), and now she is fighting with her sister-dog Schatzie. I mean really fighting! To where we have to separate them physically for fear that Schatzie (the smaller dog) will get injuried. All of this is compltely out-of-character for Maggie. Granted, she has always been a bit anti-social -- which is rare in a pure breed lab. All of this is making us very worried about how she will react when the twins come home. She tends to be jealous -- especially when we show too much attention to Schatzie. Hubby wants to send her to a dog trainer, but I heard the only way that really works is if we (ahem, I) attend the classes with her and learned how to train her as well. I physically can't do that anymore. I just don't know what to do anymore with her. She has been our spoiled baby for 5 years now, but things will have to change when the babies enter the picture. I would hate to force her into being an outdoor dog, but if I have to pick between the dog and my babies...guess who wins? Does anyone have any suggestions?

As for me, I had another restless night of sleep, and I plan to devote the day to cleaning. My mom will be here tomorrow around lunch. Hubby might be coming home tonight.

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