April 6, 2007

Possible Nanny Found...Yippee!

It's too soon to say with certainty, but I may have found some nanny help!

At Mark's law office, they have a day care (thanks to progressive female law partners!) that the twins will eventually be going to. However, since they are so preemie, the pedi doesn't want them to go there until they are about 8 months old. Anyway, there is a woman and her two adult daughters who run the day care at Mark's office. Mark talked to the older woman (the mom) about our situation at home and how we desperately need nanny help until the twins are old enough to go to the day care. (Knowing him, he probably told her his wife has become a bitchy basketcase and that *I* need help.) She showed a lot of interest in the gig. Since her daughters are pretty much running the day care on their own, she would love a nanny job during the week and especially in the mornings. She has a ton of experience, she's CPR certified, has a state license, etc.

This afternoon I am taking the twins up to his office in their Easter clothes for the office Easter egg hunt for the children of the employees. I will get to meet her and see if she will be a good fit for us then. I am so excited! I hope this works out.

Fingers crossed!


Eva said...

fingers, toes, and eyelashes crossed for you

Anonymous said...

What Eva said. :)

Kerry Lynn said...

OK, shannon, I sicked an entire thread of experienced twin moms on your blog. They are so amazingly helpful and never critical. Hopefully they'll start emparting their wisdom on you shortly.

Anonymous said...

My twins are 4 months old-boy and girl. I promise you it gets easier and you will sleep agagin as they age. The first 6-8 weeks were teh hardest. Now they get their own personalities and you get more experience every day. You'll learn who needs the most attention first, food first, etc. You'll be giving advice to others in no time. HANG IN THERE!!!!! Ask tons of questions and go with your gut.

EMME said...

Tons and tons of luck on it being a good fit!


The thing about there never being enough burp clothes. Um, YAH.

I buy three huge packs of cloth diapers with my babies. They are not "Cute" but they bigger than cute burp rags and I can BLEACH THEM.

Loralee Choate said...

ack. That last one was me. I had to gain access to my friend's blogger account. She has had a load of drama go down on her blog due to family and undesireable ex's reading it. Since she's a bit blog-challenged, I logged in to tweak her blog template to redirect her ex's and daughters ISPS I forgot I was still logged in as her. Sorry, babe!

Kerry Lynn said...

oh cloth diaper/burp rags. we have about 30 at this point and I have to wash all of them every day! I so wish Jackson would stop spitting up.

Adria said...

I don't think I could have survived the first year without a nanny. Heck, I barely survived it with one. I hope it works out for you.