April 22, 2007


My mom came in from Houston this morning...which is a good thing because I was about to go nuts...again. Mark hasn't been much help this week because he says he is so exhausted. So that means that I have been functioning on hardly any sleep, and that has caused problems in our household. He isn't sick. He isn't busy at work. This is has been a major source of irritation (to say the least) in my world lately. When mom arrived, I took a 5 hour nap and woke up feeling like a new person. I am going to wear myself into the ground if I don't start getting more sleep on a regular basis. I had no idea exhaustion like this even existed. What's more frustrating to me is that all of the other twin blogs I read...well, the moms don't seem to be going through all of this like I am. Everything is rosy sunshine complete with lots of people who are helping out. I feel like a single parent on most days, and it's physically and mentally killing me.

So it's off to Houston we go tomorrow morning. I am not especially looking forward to the drive, but maybe the twins will surprise me. We have family and friends coming over to see the twins almost every night we will be in town. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and having a little bit of down time. My mom is sending me to a day spa some time during the week. Have I mentioned how much I adore my mom lately?!

Mark and I were suppose to go to his law school reunion tonight, but we opted to be lazy bums at home instead. We are both tired, and I was stressing over what to wear. I still can't come anywhere close to wearing most of my pre-pregnant clothes....or at least not the bottoms. It would have been nice to get all "prettied-up" and rejoin society for one evening though. Oh well.

The new house got inspected on Friday. Everything looks good, and we got a thumbs up from the inspector. The house is less than 2 years old, so everything is still covered under the builder's warranty.

The new pad is a lot bigger than our current house. It's going to take me forever to furnish and decorate the new place, but that's okay. I'm really excited about it, but really not looking forward to another move. Moves are always a nightmare, and this time will be especially hellish because of the twins. I don't even have time to sleep or shower every day, so I don't know how I will pack us up (Mark is of absolutely NO use when it comes to packing).

Anyway, so I am taking a week off from blogging. I hope everyone has a good week!


Loralee Choate said...

Don't worry about the time off, I just did the same thing, sweetie and I DON'T HAVE TWINS!!!!


The stepford mothers? 20 bucks says they are greatly under-reporting their struggles.

Villagepig said...

If it helps at all, the hubby and I had many a short moment with one another over that time. I guess both of us felt like we were doing more (and each of us was doing more than the other in different areas).

Maybe its a survival of the species thing but my memory has started to fade, but not so much that I can't remember how horribly sleep deprived I was.

All I can say is that it does get better (or else we get better at handling it).