March 2, 2007

The Twins Finally Meet...

...and it was a nightmare!

Carson immediately LOVED it, and Kate immediately HATED it. She was kicking, hitting, and pulling on Carson's feeding tube. Carson, in return, sucked on her fingers and shoulders, and just stared at her. All in all, it was funny! You can really tell their size difference in some of the photos I have. (She gained 3 oz overnight! 3 lbs, 3 oz) I still don't have a photo of the two of them together worthy enough to go in a birth annoucement, and since Kate was being such a diva today I'm not sure the nurses will be up for another try at a photo session. Oh, and in case you can't tell...Kate's on the left, Carson's on the right. (Notice their crossed legs in the first photo? haha)


Dawn Oglesby said...

She looks so annoyed with him in that second photo and he really looks like you in that last one. They are so precious.

seattlegal said...

I agree with Dawn, she looks so annoyed with him in that second pic. They look so very cute.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous picture, so happy to have found another twin mum's blog. Rock on :)