February 18, 2007

Good-bye Oxygen Mask

Just a quick update post...

Our morning NICU visit was great. We got there right as the neo doc was finishing up his morning assessment of the twins. This time it was the same doc that was in the delivery room with me. (There are five neo docs in the NICU that rotate. We like all of them.) He told us that Carson's breathing issue and heart murmur have both been 100% fixed. Carson is doing so well and breathing so normally that they will be removing that horrible looking oxygen mask either this afternoon or tomorrow morning. I can't wait. I still haven't seen his face without any crap on it. Kate also go a good report card. They are both eating all of their food, keeping it down (no "residual"), and both slowly gaining weight. Both of them are now heavier than their birth weights -- they had both lost some weight after birth. So we are happy with the good report card on the twins.

It's a beautiful day here in Austin. I am going to do some work around the house, open the windows to let the house air out, and enjoy the day.

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