January 8, 2007

11 Things People Do That Annoy You

I am trapped in my home office while my maid does her magic, so it's meme time!

  1. People who don't send Thank You notes.
  2. People who are chronically late.
  3. People who don't know how to merge onto the highway from the entrance ramp.
  4. People who talk on their cell phones while you are sitting in a restaurant or in the car with them. This especially applies if they don't tell the caller they are busy and will call them back -- i.e., if they actually have a damn conversation with the caller as you just sit there.
  5. People who don't return their emails or voicemails.
  6. People who just generally don't keep their word. If you say you're going do to something -- and especially if others are depending on you to do it -- then you better do it.
  7. People who make racist, sexist, anti-Semitic or homophobic remarks.
  8. Drivers who don't give a little thank you wave when you go out of your way to let them in. This may be just a Southern thing.
  9. People who are just excuse-makers; no sense of personal accountability; cannot admit fault; who always assumes the victim role.
  10. People who are having a conversation with who ever is in the room with them while you are on the phone with them.
  11. People who let their kids run wild and free at the store.

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