April 2, 2007

Random Bullets of Crappola: Weekend Edition

Since I am way too tired to put this into paragraph form, I am resorting to my lazy format...
  • I forgot to post the twins' stats from their last pedi appointment last Friday. Carson is now 6 lbs, 13 oz & Kate is 4 lbs, 14.5 oz. They are both doing well, but the pedi wants Kate to start packing on the weight at a faster rate.

  • My mom went back home to Houston on Sunday morning. I really thought I would be the one to cry since she helped us so much the last 2 weeks, but she was the one who cried. She is talking more and more about retiring in July and moving to San Antonio to help my 81-year old grandfather. If she did that, she would only be 100 miles from me -- which by Texas standards is like living across the street -- and would be able to help me a few days a week.

  • Carson slept for 4 straight hours last night! That has never happened before, and I ended up waking him up to feed.

  • I love the fact that Mark forgets the baby monitor is turned on sometimes. I can sit in the living room or home office and listen to him talk to the twins in their nursery. He tells them the funniest stories.

  • How do you respond to an emo-looking teenaged cashier at Target who says, "So, you learned your lesson the first time, eh? I hope so. There are too many damn people in this world as it is!"...that was in response to noticing I had diapers, formula, and a pack of condoms in my shopping cart. (This all may fall under the category of TMI, but oh well. The condoms were a strange thing to buy, but it was a "just-in-case" item since I haven't started back on the Pill yet.) Had I been well-rested, I am sure I would have torn into that kid, but I was just too tired to care. I ended up just sighing and saying, "Oh shut the hell up."

  • The transition from the Pack-n-Play to the nursery hasn't been too bad. However, we are keeping them in the same crib because when we put them in their own separate cribs they cried non-stop. We put them together in a single crib (with sleep positioners dividing them), and they love it. I love having them in their own room. I don't feel like I have to tip-toe around anymore.

  • My mom bought me a Dyson vacuum cleaner for my 30th birthday, and I totally dig it! First of all, it's a sad, sad fact that I am in love with a vacuum cleaner or that I was excited I got one for a birthday gift, but it is true! I even did the "test"...I vacuum the master bedroom with our old vacuum and then did it with the Dyson to see how much the first one missed. I am so ashamed to admit that.
Photo: Here is my favorite Carson photo.


Stacie said...

So, you learned your lesson the first time, eh? I hope so. There are too many damn people in this world as it is!

You stare at him for a long time, until the silence becomes awkward (for him) then say, "Do you realize how very rude and inappropriate that was?"

Shannon said...

The first thing that instinctively popped into my head was the three years of infertility hell we went through. It was extremely rude and inappropriate, but I guess I just considered the source on this one. I have some vague memories of being 16, idealistic, invincible, and thinking I knew what was wrong wtih the world and how to fix it.

If anything, the whole episode just reminded me that I could never been a teacher. I think "Oh shut the hell up" would be flying out of my mouth a lot. :)

I can't tell if it's another sign of getting older or if I am just so worn down right now, but I have zero-zip-nada tolerance for mouthy teenagers anymore...even from my own cousins.

yerdoingitwrong said...

I may have to go beat that Target cashier's ass.