April 13, 2007

Meet the Nanny...Seriously

Now before I start talking smack about my new nanny, let me go ahead and do the required preface.

WARNING: If you are highly-sensitive about your religion then stop reading this post right now.

I am DESPERATE for help. I think she will take good care of my babies. Overall, she is a very nice lady.

Alrighty...she is exactly like the the SNL character Bobbi Mohan-Culp (the middle school choir teacher who is married to Will Ferrell's character). They sorta look the same. (I call it the 1981 librarian look.) They sound/talk exactly the same. And they are pretty much just as goofy and annoying too. But she is also so sugary sweet it's hard to really not like her.

This is not intended to start a big religion debate/fight/discussion, but Nanny Mary (appropriate name, by the way) is over-the-top religious. From talking to her, it sounds like her church is held in a strip mall. (And that kind of thing always makes me nervous.) The moment she walked in my front door she started in on her religious talk. She asked what church we go to, have the babies been baptized yet, etc.

[Oh, some quick background info...Mark and I are not religious. I was raised Catholic (VERY Catholic...Catholic school for 10 years...the uniform and rebellion, etc.) I hate labels, but I guess I would call us agnostic. I could do an entire post on how I spent my college years test-driving all the major religions only to find that I simply do not like organized religion. This also explains why I am fluent in both Latin and Hebrew.]

She really does seem very good with the babies. She has a calming effect on them. Of course, my babies are used to a high-energy, stressed out mom so Nanny Mary had the cards stacked in her favor from the get-go. It was just odd to me to walk in and hear her singing "This Little Light of Mine" while rocking Carson. It's just not the kind of thing I'm used to. In fact, since I suck at nursery songs, I end up singing stuff like "It's the End of the World" by REM (I sing it softly and not nearly as fast) or whatever else pops into my head. They also seem to like Dave Matthews.

I was a little concerned when she told me that the first word all four of her children said was, "Jesus" (she said it in an exaggerated baby voice...Je-sus). Then she started saying that to the twins as they sat in their bouncy seats. No offense, but I do have a problem with that. I thought Mark was going to explode when I told him that later that night. I laughed.

I hope I get more comfortable with Nanny Mary in my house because God knows (pun intended) I need the help. I do think she will be a great help to me. She has been doing this for 30 years, and is already giving me good advice.

When Mark got home that night I told him all about her and all the religious stuff. He was "offended" by all that crap. I'm not. As long as she doesn't shove her beliefs down my throat in my own house or kidnap my babies and have them baptized into some freaky cult, I am fine with it.

I will say that it sucks to pay $60 for a 3 1/2 hour nap! That's the going rate for sleep nowadays. Oh, and of course, the twins slept peacefully the entire time she was here!

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