March 7, 2007

New Kate Photos & an Update

Feeding time. She takes the bottle pretty well.
Checking out her world from the confines of her little plastic box.

Photo is a bit blurry, but you can tell how tiny she still is compared to my hand.

I realize I've been posting more photos of Carson lately and not as many of Kate. Since she is still in the incubator, it's difficult to get many photos of her. Whereas, Mr. Carson is easily accessed. Here are some new ones of little Kate.

  • Carson is holding strong at 5 lbs. Kate is up to 3 lbs, 7 oz.

  • Carson's feeding tube was put back in like I suspected. He just needs to build his stamnia up a bit more so he will be able to physically make it through a bottle feeding.

  • NICU folks are telling us it will likely be another 2 weeks until one or both of them can come home. (That seems like an eternity!)


seattlegal said...

Another cutie!

2 weeks does seem like forever. I'm hoping it goes quickly!

Kerry Lynn said...

I'm eagerly awaiting your posts. I'm glad Kate and Carson are healthy. I know having them in the NICU is so hard but you're doing a great job!!

they both look adorable!!