January 4, 2007

Congratulations Madame Speaker!

What a great day to be a woman! I just finished watching Nancy Pelosi get sworn in as the first woman Speaker of the House. All American women, regardless of political affiliation, should feel an extra sense of pride today.

There is something about Pelosi that reminds me of my own mother. They don't look a like nor do they share the same political viewpoints (mom's a Republican), but there something in the mannerisms that is similar. Too bad my mom hates politics as much as she does because I could see her in that role. She is tough. She has an amazing ability to see both sides of the coin. She is practical and logical. And she would be an excellent referee. Not to mention, she has an inspirational bio.

My favorite sound bite from Pelosi's acceptance speech was when she thanked her husband and children for giving her the self-confidence to go from the kitchen to the Congress. I think my own husband would be supportive if I ever wanted to take that path because he has been supportive in all of my career decisions and paths -- and there have been several. But I don't think he would truly enjoy it. He likes watching politics from a distance and in small doses.

We have always joked about the idea of me getting into politics down the road, but it's not a realistic idea. I would much rather be behind the scenes. To be the puppetmaster pulling the strings, but not the actual puppet...so to speak. Besides, too much of my youthful bad decisions have been witnessed by too many folks. :)

Well, I wasn't able to reschedule my doc appointment. I am still on to see him tomorrow morning. I have felt more baby movement today and last night, so I am feeling a little better about that. Hubby -- who just returned last night from a business trip -- informed me this morning that he is going to have to leave again tomorrow. Apparently, he is having to fill in for a co-worker who is preparing to argue in front of the Texas Supreme Court next week. He will only be gone for a day, but he will miss yet another doc appointment and ultrasound.

I hope his schedule slows down once the twins arrive. I am going to need his help.

Oh, and it was nice seeing Norah O'Donnell back on MSNBC...she is carrying twins (due this spring) as well and looks great!

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