September 7, 2006

Feelin' Knocked Up

I don't have much new to report. I'm getting bigger. I've gained about 8-9 lbs. My world seems to be consumed with doc appointments. My glucose numbers are getting higher, and I am increasing my insulin to try to bring it back under control. The "team" (i.e., my specialists) seem to be slightly concerned about my blood pressure (it was 130/82 yesterday). I am eagerly trying to get through the next 2 weeks, and then I graduate into my second trimester! Time seems to be going by faster than I thought it would. Of course, I will probably say the opposite of that once I really start to get massive and uncomfortable.

I am thinking about letting my Realtor's license become inactive. Realistically, I know I won't be working during this high-risk pregnancy and won't have the time or desire once the twins arrive. It's tough to let it go even though I know I can always reactivate my license. I never thought I would end up being a full-time mom, but then again, I never thought I would be having two babies at once!

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