July 19, 2006

Fuck You, Mr. President!

Up until now, our crazy president and his ridiculous (and often irresponsible) policies had never directly affected me. Sure some of his shit has had an impact on my wallet, but it was never really personal until today.

Bush axed the Stem Cell Bill today! For the first time in his presidency, he used his constitutional veto power. It is asounding to me, that THIS would be the bill he would kill. A bill that could save the lives of countless folks or at the very least make them more comfortable. And his reasoning for it is simply absurd. Somehow he thinks a clump of cells destined to be destroyed in a fertility clinic is the same as slaughtering newborns.

Damnit, I am so pissed I can barely think straight.

As I have stated on here before, I am a diabetic. Stem Cell research directly impacts my life, my future quality of life and, perhaps, the length of my life. My dad dropped dead 7 months ago of diabetes at the age of 56. Every member of my family had diabetes as a contributing factor to their deaths -- whether young or old. Research showed that with the strides being made with stem cells, diabetes COULD HAVE likely had a cure in less than 10 years. With Bush killing the bill, however, all federal funding is gone and it will be much more difficult for it to continue on.

Seriously, who voted for this motherfucker? He seems to care far too much for lives that have not yet begun, but shits on the living humans here already....and this goes far beyond the people who would have benefited from the stem cell advances....we have a young generation of men and women who are fighting an unwinnable, unjustified war in Iraq (as the rest of the Middle East is crumbling around them as we speak)...I spent my childhood witnessing my dad trying to cope with his memories of fighting an unwinnable, unjustified war when he was a young man...that shit lasts a lifetime. Bush shit on (and continues to shit on) the people of New Orleans. I could go on and on. I guess I just still can't believe the majority of Americans actually elected this dumbass as our leader.


*Deep breath*

I had lunch with an old friend from school at Chuy's. It was good. Talked politics and religion. I don't understand why Austinites LOVE Chuy's so damn much...it's okay, at best. I could name several other Mexican joints I would pick over Chuy's. Can someone explain this to me? Am I just not ordering the right stuff or what??

Oh, and me and hubby are meeting with Kinky on Saturday! I'm as giddy as a schoolgirl! Details later.

1 comment:

jinx protocol said...

I completely agree that the veto was crappy, but I think the thing the most people don't realize about these - Yuck - Neoconservatives is that they do believe that stem cell research involves the murder of children.

And that's how they frame it to the press and the American people. To them, life only exists in black-and-white. No gray area is present, and they don't want it to. Simplicity is the key to their thought processes, because they think that things like complexity and deliberation are for weak, left-minded people.

Only actions, not thoughts. It's sad, but it's the truth.

If you'd like check out my blogs sometime.


Keep on with what you're doing. It's good.