January 31, 2007
In the hospital!
It's a miracle I could get my laptop to find a wireless connection, so I don't know how much I will be blogging. I am so afraid my twins will be born this early. Hubby looks and acts bored out of his mind, and I almost feel like I need to entertain him. My bed is really uncomfortable...I feel a metal bar cutting into my hips.
I am just not a happy camper right now. I hope I stabilize and can go home soon, but they told me not to count on it. I can't believe how quickly it came on! Literally in less than 12 hours. Pregnant women, beware. This is very serious stuff.
I will post photos if I can.
Blood Pressure
Keep good thoughts for me and the twins.
January 30, 2007
Baby Doc & Breast Feeding
Am I over-reacting?
January 29, 2007
Quick Update
Bottomline: He is putting me on full-time bed rest until we know what's going on.
Soooo swollen!
January 25, 2007
OB Appointment: 29 weeks, 6 days
January 24, 2007
How will this end?
- The perfect scenario would be that my water breaks at home during week 37. I am full-term. My husband is not on a business trip somewhere. We have plenty of time to call my mom, my mother-in-law and other local family/friends so they can come to the hospital if they want to. My bag is packed and ready to go. Hubby has already installed the two car seats (instead of trying to figure it out in the hospital parking lot 5 minutes before we are discharged from the hospital). The weather is beautiful (i.e., no ice, no hail storm, no tornado warnings, etc.) Both babies are well over 5 lbs each. Like I said, this would be the perfect scenario.
- The pre-term contractions start back up again. I go into to see my OB and he admits me to the hospital because I've already started dilating. I end up spending weeks in the hospital in an attempt to get me to as close to 36 weeks as possible.
- My OB decides to induce me because something is wrong with the babies (i.e., vastly different weights, one baby in distress, etc.)
- I have some kind of accident -- like falling -- and it becomes an emergency situation.
- My OB decides to induce me because I am pushing 40 weeks and he is worried about the age and condition of my placentas.
What am I forgetting? I know there have to be other ways this could end.
Then there's the big issue of how they will be born...C-section or vaginal. I am curious to know what other OB's out there are telling their twin pregnancy patients. My doc has made it clear that he strongly advocates a vaginal birth. I am not completely sure how I feel about that. I guess I have a fear about whether or not I can. The one thing I absolutely do not want to do is push out Baby A (girl) and then have to do a C-section with Baby B (boy) because he isn't head-down. I sure as hell don't want to do both types of birth!
With week 30 just a few days away, I am beginning to faintly see the finish line. I hope the next 6-7 weeks goes by quickly. I am so eager to see my twins. Now I just wonder how it's going to happen.
10 Things I Have a Weakness For...
- Back rubs
- Happy, giggling babies
- Correctly-made Long Island Iced Teas (pre-pregnancy, of course)
- The smell of the ocean and the feeling of sand between my toes
- UT football...college football in general
- Hard-covered books
- Chips & queso (or chips & salsa)
- Real icing on a cake
- Going down to 6th Street and hearing a great band play live
- Fiercely intelligent people with a slightly wicked sense of humor
January 23, 2007
Stay to the left

January 22, 2007
Maid Time = Meme Time
What's your favorite comfort food?
Anything involving a potato...chips, mashed potatoes, potato soup, fries, potatoes au gratin, you name it. I can avoid the sweets, but love the carbs.
Do you snore? What about your bed-mate? What's your remedy to get them to stop snoring?
Before I was pregnant I never snored. Since becoming pregnant, Hubby says I sound like an old man. Hubby snores only if he rolls onto his back in the night. I usually push his arm and say, "Roll over." That does the trick and he stops.
Have you ever sent or received a piece of fan mail?
The only time I can remember sending anything that may be classified as fan mail was actually pretty recently. Jeff Bagwell, a long-time Houston Astros baseball player, announced his retirement a few months ago. I had met him a decade ago through my dad (who worked in professional baseball his entire life). So I just wrote him a letter congratulating him on such a long, successful career and wishing him all the best in the future. He wrote me back a nice letter thanking me for my kind words and expressing his sadness over my dad's death (he wasn't aware of it). As for me, I have received some nice thank you letters from clients over the years. I suppose that's considered fan mail.
If you could describe January 2007 so far in two words, what would they be?
Cold. Boring.
Do you write a diary as well as blogging? Have you ever been a diary writer?
No, I just have this blog. I have never been a diary writer...although I did have one in the 6th grade. It's funny to look at now and makes me wish I had been a diary writer through high school.
What is the least-deserved praise that you've ever been given?
I've always gotten a lot of compliments on my eyes, especially my eye color. Back in the day, as a joke, a friend and I put on some seriously whored-up eye make-up and had a photographer friend shoot some photos of my eyes. Without my knowledge, he submitted them to a "Best Eyes in Texas" contest. Amazingly, I came in second place and I used the money to pay for a semester of college. Anyway, I always thought compliments on my eyes were meaningless because that's just a genetic thing. I had nothing to do with it. It's not something I worked for.
What is the most meaningful compliment that you've ever gotten?
Anything involving my intelligence, work ethic or generosity.
When did you love the most?
I would say right now. My love for my husband has grown and evolved during this pregnancy. I feel I am in a big transformation period right now. For the first time in my life, I love something more than myself...I love my babies. I can only imagine how all-encompassing it will become once they are born.
Are you more likely to yell or give the silent treatment?
Yell. The silent treatment is more like punishing myself.
What are you five most visited stores?
H.E.B. (grocery store), Target, Babies R Us, Half Price Books (I love all bookstores), & Office Max
Is there any store you absolutely hate going to?
I hate grocery shopping and I don't like Wal-Mart. It's always a busy zoo there.
Do you prefer to shop in person or online?
In person. I need the instant gratification and I don't like waiting for packages to arrive.
When was the last time you went on a date?
May 16, 2001...that was my first date with future hubby. It was all over with after that.
Do you think the child you were would like the adult you've become?
In some ways yes, and in some ways no. I was a very idealistic, passionate teenager. I wanted to be a ball-busting, take-no-prisoners journalist. I got my degree in journalism and worked as a reporter for a few years...and hated it. Then I got into real estate primarily for the money. I think the child I was would consider that selling-out. But overall my life, my lifestyle, my pre-pregnant career, my husband, my soon-to-be family are all wonderful and better than I could have imagined as a child.
Meme Time: Question of the Day
- Manhattan, NY
- Long Island, NY
- Galveston, TX
- South Padre, TX
- Grand Cayman
- Cozumel, Mexico
- Jamaica
Hmm, I know I must be forgetting some.
Finally, some fresh air!
January 19, 2007
Get me outta here!
January 18, 2007
Another Ramble-fest
January 17, 2007
Random Bullets of Crappola
- I am on my third day of taking the iron supplement for my anemia (Repliva). What a difference! I felt so exhausted for the first two-ish days, but now I feel re-energized. I guess I never realize just how fatigued I was feeling until I felt good for the first time in weeks.
- Austin is finally thawing out. I wish we would have more snow and less ice. Hubby is returning to work tomorrow...which is a good thing. :) We have enough trapped-in-the-house-due-to-ice-togetherness to last until next winter.
- After asking around and doing some research, I have found a pediatrician that I am interested in. Now that the weather is getting better, I am going to call him either this week or early next to try to set up an interview. Several of Hubby's co-workers use him, he is only a mile from our house, and everyone just swears by him. Now it's a question of if he is taking on new patients. I need to come up with a plan of attack to convince him to take on the twins because I don't have a Plan B doc in mind.
- Something is happening in the boob department. I haven't decided if I want to post on it because I'm not sure how graphic I should be on here. Let's just say, things are changing!
January 16, 2007
The Big Chill
We have been iced and snowed in today. I love days like this...Hubby's office was closed...we are still in our flannel PJs...everything is white outside...cooking some warm, comforting chili. Texans are not used to anything white being on the ground, so when it happens (usually just one or two days per year) the whole city literally shuts down.
The belly @ 28 weeks

January 15, 2007
1st Batch of Shower Photos
The Final Baby Shower
National Delurking Week
January 12, 2007
Week 28
January 11, 2007
Perfect Babies!
January 10, 2007
Another Day in the Life of...
I don't think I have mentioned this before, but I have been experiencing this strange "loose hip" feeling. It feels like my thigh bone has slightly popped out of joint with my pelvic bone. It doesn't hurt, but I have to hobble around until it gradually goes back to normal. I think it's from all of this sleeping on my side business. I have always been a stomach sleeper, so that's one of the things I am looking forward to getting to do again once the twins are born. I have actually had dreams about that, and that can't possibly be normal!
I want to encourage all of the pregnant-with-twins (or more) ladies out there to watch the National Geographic channel this Sunday night. They will be showing In the Womb: Multiples. This Sunday's episode will focus on twins, but they have other shows on triplets and quads. I have a feeling they will be focusing primarily on identical twins because they are definitely more interesting from a scientific view. Anyway, I am looking forward to it. In so many of my ultrasounds over the past few months, the doc has gotten a chuckle out of the fact that my twins usually position themselves with their heads close together. After watching the previews and ads for the In the Womb special, I am starting to wonder if they have been playing, communicating, or just simply bonding with each other.
Upon first learning I was carrying boy/girl twins, I had some sort of notion that they would be less "twin-like"...less emotional dependence on each other. That was until I spent an afternoon hanging out with a friend-of-a-friend who had 15 month old boy/girl twins. She told me about how they used to cuddle in the crib together, and how even now that they have their own bed and separate bedrooms they will still sneak into each other's room and cuddle together at night. She told me about they hold hands when watching a movie. They get upset if their twin takes a fall and gets a minor injury. Even though they have different personalities and different looks, they still have this amazing bond. A friend for life...more than just a sibling.
I finally get to see my OB tomorrow morning! Very excited.
January 9, 2007
Ten on Tuesday: TV Guilty Pleasures
- The Girls Next Door (E!)
- Ace of Cakes (Food Network)
- Big Brother (CBS)
- Project Runway (Bravo)
- Inside the Actor's Studio (Bravo)
- Semi-Homemade Cooking (Food Network)
- Dog the Bounty Hunter (A&E)
- Anything on The History Channel
- Roseanne (reruns on Nick @ Nite)
- All of the house flipping/real estate shows (Designed to Sell, Flip That House, Property Ladder, etc).
Contractions? Round Ligament Pain? Cramps?
January 8, 2007
11 Things People Do That Annoy You
- People who don't send Thank You notes.
- People who are chronically late.
- People who don't know how to merge onto the highway from the entrance ramp.
- People who talk on their cell phones while you are sitting in a restaurant or in the car with them. This especially applies if they don't tell the caller they are busy and will call them back -- i.e., if they actually have a damn conversation with the caller as you just sit there.
- People who don't return their emails or voicemails.
- People who just generally don't keep their word. If you say you're going do to something -- and especially if others are depending on you to do it -- then you better do it.
- People who make racist, sexist, anti-Semitic or homophobic remarks.
- Drivers who don't give a little thank you wave when you go out of your way to let them in. This may be just a Southern thing.
- People who are just excuse-makers; no sense of personal accountability; cannot admit fault; who always assumes the victim role.
- People who are having a conversation with who ever is in the room with them while you are on the phone with them.
- People who let their kids run wild and free at the store.
January 7, 2007
Full Moon Predictions & Bad Round of Contractions

By the way, my mom looked up the full moon schedule and had predicted twins arrival to be March 3rd or 4th. The 3rd is a full moon, and I was born on a full moon. So was Hubby. I know that's not scientific, but I have heard this same prediction from a few nurses too. Something about the gravitational pull I suppose.
I am off to bed. Exhausted. I can tell I am getting bigger and bigger every week now.
January 5, 2007
27 Weeks
January 4, 2007
Congratulations Madame Speaker!
Well, I wasn't able to reschedule my doc appointment. I am still on to see him tomorrow morning. I have felt more baby movement today and last night, so I am feeling a little better about that. Hubby -- who just returned last night from a business trip -- informed me this morning that he is going to have to leave again tomorrow. Apparently, he is having to fill in for a co-worker who is preparing to argue in front of the Texas Supreme Court next week. He will only be gone for a day, but he will miss yet another doc appointment and ultrasound.
I hope his schedule slows down once the twins arrive. I am going to need his help.
Oh, and it was nice seeing Norah O'Donnell back on MSNBC...she is carrying twins (due this spring) as well and looks great!
January 3, 2007
Nothing new
Kick Babies, Kick!
January 2, 2007
Yet another Meme!
In 2007...
Will you be looking for a new job?
I don't think so. It's more like I will be restarting my real estate career later in the year. It all depends on how my twins are doing, but I definitely miss working.
Will you be looking for a new relationship?
No, I am very happy in my marriage right now. It hasn't always been like that, and I feel like I finally am where I want to be.
New house?
I hope so. We are going to start looking this summer. We need a bigger house thanks to the twins. For the first time, we are having to think about stuff like schools, parks, safe neighborhoods, etc.
What will you do differently in 2007?
I have a feeling that becoming a parent for the first time will force me to do almost everything differently. I hope to have more patience.
New Year's resolutions?
Yes, and I've already posted them.
What will you not be doing in 2007?
Putting myself first. Probably won't be going out much either.
Any trips planned?
The only thing we seem to know for sure is that we will be going out to Vegas for a friend's wedding this fall. I am also hoping to take the twins to our favorite Galveston cabin late in the summer. I love going there and I want to introduce the babies to ocean as soon as possible. Of course, this may not be happening since they will still be so young.
Wedding plans?
Not for me! I know one of my close friends will be getting married and possibly another one will too. I am looking forward to just be a guest!
Major thing on your calendar?
March 1st...that's my goal on holding in my twins. That marks 36 weeks.
What can't you wait for?
March 1st...and the birth of my twins. I am also looking forward to next Christmas.
What would you like to see happen differently?
Less friend drama
What about yourself will be changing?
Everything...the challenge will be keeping some part of myself from not changing.
What happened in 2006 that you didn't think would ever happen?
Getting pregant. Getting pregnant with twins!
Will you dress differently this year than you did in 2006?
Yes, I will be out of maternity clothes!
Will you do charity work?
I wish I could, but the truthful answer is that I won't have time.
Do you expect 2007 to be a good year for you?
Yes...one of the best.
How much did you change from this time last year until now?
A lot. I wasn't very happy this time last year for a huge range of reasons. It's like the difference between night and day now.
Do you plan on having a child?
Yes! Two of them.
Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now?
I hope so, but some of them are going to have to step up to the plate more in the near future. I hope to make more friends that are in the same boat I am in currently...new mother, mother of twins. I am still the only chick in my circle of friends that is married. I feel like Miranda sometimes!
Major lifestyle changes?
Yes...the biggest...parenthood
Will you be moving?
God, I hope so!
What will you make sure doesn't happen in 2007 that happened in 2006?
Getting pregnant...we are done with that.
Will you have someone to kiss at midnight?
Yes, but my someone was sleeping!
One wish for 2007?
Healthy babies, Healthy me