January 15, 2007

The Final Baby Shower

Saturday's baby shower was a lot of fun! The weather was absolutely horrible (cold/icy and wet) and we thought that may drop the attendance, but we still had a nice turn-out. My Aunt Cindy, Aunt Kathy and cousin Jil hosted the shower at Cindy's house. They truly went all out on food, decorations and gifts.

At my first shower in Tyler (my hometown), I received a ton of beautiful clothes. My twins will be the best dressed in Austin for sure, but I was a little nervous that I had not gotten much off of my registry (i.e., needed baby gear). This shower was all about the essentials. We got a lot of feeding stuff (bottles, sterilizers, etc.), our double stroller, Boppy pillows, diapers, diaper bags, etc. We also got several monogrammed/personalized items...my Aunt Cindy made two gorgeous quilts for the twins with their names on it, pillows, etc.

The whole concept of registries makes me uncomfortable. It made me uncomfortable when we got married and had our bridal registry and the same holds true for baby registries. I am not totally sure I see the point because people (in my experience) rarely buy off of it. They like to buy cute baby clothes and other things they feel I will need. It's just so foreign to me to essentially say, 'I want this, this and this!'

I am pretty well stocked now on twin gear. The only things I lack are: another high-chair (I have one of the two I registered for), bouncy seats, and a Pack-n-Play. I will go buy those once the weather gets a bit better. I have one swing, but I am not sure if I need a second one. What do you think?

The only thing about the shower that was a disappointment was my no-show Realtor friends. Even though I stopped working in September, they have all kept up with my pregnancy and they know I will be returning to the world of real estate once the twins are old enough. Frankly, it kinda pissed me off. I have been to countless baby and bridal showers for these women that I have worked with for years. Not a single one attended or even RSVP'ed one way or the other. Oh well.

My mom went home yesterday morning. She helped me a lot get the nursery better organized. It's more of a challenge than you may think when you are dealing with two different genders and baby clothes that range from preemie to 2T sizes! I had a good visit with her. My mother-in-law wasn't able to come to the shower because she was iced in up in Dallas. Once again, oh well.

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