January 24, 2007

How will this end?

Over the past few days I have been thinking/wondering a lot about how this pregnancy is going to end. It seems like the possibilities are endless, and I am realistic enough to know it probably won't play-out like it does in the movies.

Here are some of the scenarios I have thought about...feel free to add to the list...
  • The perfect scenario would be that my water breaks at home during week 37. I am full-term. My husband is not on a business trip somewhere. We have plenty of time to call my mom, my mother-in-law and other local family/friends so they can come to the hospital if they want to. My bag is packed and ready to go. Hubby has already installed the two car seats (instead of trying to figure it out in the hospital parking lot 5 minutes before we are discharged from the hospital). The weather is beautiful (i.e., no ice, no hail storm, no tornado warnings, etc.) Both babies are well over 5 lbs each. Like I said, this would be the perfect scenario.
  • The pre-term contractions start back up again. I go into to see my OB and he admits me to the hospital because I've already started dilating. I end up spending weeks in the hospital in an attempt to get me to as close to 36 weeks as possible.
  • My OB decides to induce me because something is wrong with the babies (i.e., vastly different weights, one baby in distress, etc.)
  • I have some kind of accident -- like falling -- and it becomes an emergency situation.
  • My OB decides to induce me because I am pushing 40 weeks and he is worried about the age and condition of my placentas.

What am I forgetting? I know there have to be other ways this could end.

Then there's the big issue of how they will be born...C-section or vaginal. I am curious to know what other OB's out there are telling their twin pregnancy patients. My doc has made it clear that he strongly advocates a vaginal birth. I am not completely sure how I feel about that. I guess I have a fear about whether or not I can. The one thing I absolutely do not want to do is push out Baby A (girl) and then have to do a C-section with Baby B (boy) because he isn't head-down. I sure as hell don't want to do both types of birth!

With week 30 just a few days away, I am beginning to faintly see the finish line. I hope the next 6-7 weeks goes by quickly. I am so eager to see my twins. Now I just wonder how it's going to happen.


Jessica said...

Yeah, my docs and midwives have been pretty focused on the vaginal birth as well. As in the c-section will only happen if it really needs to. But yeah, would rather not go through with a vaginal birth only to have to still have the c-section. Still, what I remember from last time is that when you're in the moment, the thing you want most of all is for the babies to be ok. It was only in the last few days that I became comfortable with the idea of a natural birth (I've been so worried about something going wrong with a protracted labor). Good luck! I hope your birth experience is a positive one and you and your babies are healthy. :)

seattlegal said...

My OB would prefer a vaginal birth as well. I'm nervous about it too wondering if I'll be able to do it. I also fear giving birth to them two different ways.