I had a not-so-fun day. Hubby has been so busy traveling, that he went up to his office to get some more work knocked out. So, I had the day to myself. While he was gone, I decided to go run a few minor errands. Anyway, I went to a very cool monogram store close to my house and ordered all kinds of cool stuff for the twins and my mom's birthday gift. As I am standing there at the counter, it hit. Contractions. Hit. Hard. My back began to ache. I was having very painful cramps/contractions. The lady at the store had to help me to my car! So I rushed home and called Hubby at work. He immediately came home and tried to comfort me as I rested in bed. He made an attempt to time the contractions -- 8 minutes apart, according to him -- but I am pretty sure he wasn't doing it correctly. [Mental Note: Teach Hubby how to time them!] Anyway, they left as soon as they hit, but I spent the rest of day in bed. The whole episode lasted about 45 minutes. It scared the hell out of me! It really scares me to think I will be home alone all of next week while Hubby is away again.
By the way, my mom looked up the full moon schedule and had predicted twins arrival to be March 3rd or 4th. The 3rd is a full moon, and I was born on a full moon. So was Hubby. I know that's not scientific, but I have heard this same prediction from a few nurses too. Something about the gravitational pull I suppose.
I am off to bed. Exhausted. I can tell I am getting bigger and bigger every week now.
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