I finally got out of the house today, and it was wonderful! For the first time in two full weeks, Austin had sunshine. It even got up to 66 degrees, and it was the perfect day to get some fresh air.
I managed to convince Hubby to come to Babies R Us with me at noon to finish buying the rest of the items off our registry there. He detests shopping, but as soon as I told him I would have to lift big items he didn't put up a fight. So I bought the other highchair I needed, a Pack-n-Play, Pack-n-Play sheets, a Baby Einstein Exersaucer (activity center), and a Bumbo seat. My cousin (the one with 4 month old twin boys) swears by the Bumbo seat, so I thought I would give it a try. The only thing I didn't buy were the bouncy seats. I am specifically looking for the Fisher Price Ocean Wonders kind. Once again, thanks to word of mouth and seeing how much my baby cousins love it. The babies really seem to love the bubbles and the ocean sounds. The store said another shipment was coming in next week, so I will try again. The one big lesson I have learned from my cousin is when you are the mother of twins it's all about keeping one or both of them occupied.
I dropped Hubby off at home with the loot after we went out to lunch and then went up to Target. Target exhausted me. They really should have pregnancy parking because I was tired by the time I walked the 50+ yards just to get to the entrance. (Sad, I know) There I picked up some little items for the twins and some household stuff. I did manage to find a onesie that said "Chick Magnet" for our boy...I know it's cheesy, but everything else he has is all about puppy dogs and fire trucks...I thought we needed some humor. :) I also bought each twin a tiny burnt orange University of Texas t-shirt that says "Class of 2029" on it. We need to start brain-washing them early. :)
By the time I got home I was wiped out. (What a change from my pre-pregnant life of being on the go 12 hours a day.) I tried to appear fine in front of Hubby just to avoid the "over-doing-it" speech, but I ended up taking a 2-hour deep coma nap anyway...and getting the "over-doing-it" speech anyway.
I never thought I would see the day I would write a long blog about the excitement of going to two stores and leaving the house for the first time in a week. What can I say? This is my life right now.
Anyway, we had a good weekend. We watched "Little Miss Sunshine," the NFL playoffs, cooked some yummy dinners and enjoyed the good weather. No complaints.
I see my OB again this Thursday, and Hubby will be out of town (AGAIN) for three days. He has cleared his calendar of all travel after February 6th...thank God. I am ready for him to stay put. He usually doesn't travel this much, but he is lead counsel on a major law suit and trying to get it settled before the twins arrive.
Oh, and the twins have been extremely active this weekend. They are kicking so hard that I can see it by just looking down at my belly. When they really get going, my entire belly shakes and twitches. How cool! :) It really helps Hubby feel connected to the babies too now that he can really feel them kick with his hand on my belly.
I hope everyone had a good weekend too!
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