His "speech" wasn't planned at all. At first I wondered if he even realized who his audience was. He was dressed in his all-black cowboy attire; unlit cigar firmly in his mouth. He was funny and tossed in all of infamous slogans, such as: "May the God of your choice bless you"..."Why the hell not?" etc. Kinky spoke about how sad it was that Texas was last in so many categories: education, children's health insurance, etc. He asked, "What had six balls and screws Texas? The lottery!" He spoke on the end of the absurdity of teaching to a test, using the Texas lottery to actually go towards education as it was originally promised, legalizing casino gambling, lower property taxes, keeping spirituality in schools, etc.
I agreed with a good deal of it, but I have some issues with religion in public schools and legalizing casino gambling. I admit to being rather hyper-senstive about gambling as I have seen the other side of that coin. I may make that another post. I have some hot opinions on that topic.
Blah Blah Blah
I had Kinky sign my copy of the Texas Monthly cover and one of his books that I have. Hubby took a photo -- a horrible photo -- of me and Kinky. He seems like a nice guy. Obviously not a morning person and shorter in person than I would have guessed. (Of course, I always say that about all celebrities that I meet.) More later.