July 12, 2006

The Calm Before the Storm

Random thought...

Last night I was talking to a good friend of mine about the possiblity that we are experiencing the calm before the storm. Meaning: Me and my good friends are all between 28-32 for the most part, we are done with higher education, we have already started our careers, we are beyond the typical twentysomething "Who am I? What do I want" phase (and we had all experienced that), we are (or most of us) in serious relationships -- either married, engaged or shacked up...basically, we are all settled adults. All of still love to go out for drinks and laughs, but it's not like it was 10 years ago. Most of our conversations involve our relationships and careers. Most of us either own houses or are saving up to buy one soon. Life is pretty calm. Life feels like it's on auto-pilot. Life, for the most part, is good. So...is this it? I tend to think this is the calm before the storm...and the storm is children. Other friends tend to think that this is it. We cruise along, one day blurs into the next, and we countdown until we can retire. Shit, I hope that's not the case. I always need something to strive for, something to chase after. If I don't then I get bored and then depressed.

Sudden observation...
Je-sus! I have become such a shitty writer! It's rather sad to think that my background and education is in journalism. Once upon a time I actually got PAID to write. I guess if you don't use it, you lose it, eh?

NOTE: This post was written two days before I became pregnant with twins. (December 21, 2006).

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