My sleep schedule is officially whacked out. I didn't feel too hot today, so I ended up drifting in and out of consciousness throughout the day (i.e., excessive napping). I don't know if I ever mentioned this on here before but last summer I was dignosed as diabetic. It really did not come as a shock given that every member of both sides of my family have it. If anything, it was surprising that I made it to 28 escaping it. I know I make light of it, but it truly is big deal. I am not on insulin right now -- just 2 pills a day -- but I see the needle in my near future. 95% of the time I feel great, but it's that 5% of the time that sucks. Today was one of those 5% days. I was sick to my stomach, my calfs and feet were slightly numb, I was tired, and had a killer headache. Hubby calls it one of my "diabetes days." What really sucks about it is that I did nothing to bring it on. I completely avoid sugar, ultra-sugary fruits, and most white flour carbs (though I am not horribly strict on it). I swim almost every day in my backyard pool, never drink non-diet sodas, always remember to take my pills, and drink a lot of water. Basically, I am doing everything I should be doing. So, it especially pisses me off when one of these "diabetic days" hits me. Bottomline: It fucking sucks that I was dealt this hand of cards. I always thought it was ironic that I come from a diabetic family...everyone is pretty healthy. I guess it's a defect in the genes somewhere. I sincerely hope my future children will get hubby's genes in this department.
So...my Fourth sucked. It was a lazy, rainy, yucky day. I never even left the house today or got out of my PJs for that matter. Oh well. We all need days like this every once in a while. I have been busting my ass working for months now...so it was earned. Too bad I felt like shit though.
I hope everyone -- isn't it cute how I pretend I have readers? -- had a wonderful July 4th.
PHOTO: Another great Texas Monthly cover! Gotta love them.
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