May 30, 2007

Update your bookmarks...I'm moving

Almost 2 years ago I bought my own domain name, but was too busy/lazy to figure out how to do my own professional website. Well, I've finally figured out how to do a blog on it, so I am switching to a new location.

This "new" (not really new, just different address) is going to be viewed by a lot of folks in my real life (family, friends, clients, co-workers, etc), so I am currently doing A LOT of self-censoring right now...i.e., no more bitching about Mark. I think he is glad I am going to have a blog everyone we know can read. He said I acted secretive about this blog. I'm a bit sad to no longer have a forum to bitch openly about things I am feeling and experiencing, but oh well.

So here is the new address...follow me :)

Oh, and it goes without saying that this is a work-in-progress. I am still trying to figure stuff out and the damn thing won't let me import. Grr.

Attention Lurkers: This would be a great time to introduce yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Okay I guess I'd be defined as one of the lurkers you spoke of. I've been reading your blog since just before the twins were born. I think I just kind of took to reading your blog because I'm from Texas too, the Spring area to be exact. Good for you on finally moving to your own domain. I'll look forward to seeing the new website as you get it up and running. -Melissa