The twins will be 3 months old on Saturday. Miss Kate has come a long way in those three months!
Weight: About 8 lbs. She still wearing Newborn size diapers, and the clothes are still too big for her.
Feedings: Usually about 3 oz every 3 hours. We are still working in stretching the feedings out to 3 hours though.
Favorites: Bath time, laying on my chest, her new swing, being held, cuddling with brother on the sofa
Least Favorites: Pacifier, excessively long car trips, having to wait more than one minute for her bottle, being put down when she's not ready
Issues: Tends to have a touch of reflux which requires a bit of Mylanta or else she may throw up
Personality: In the past few weeks I am seeing more changes in her. She is getting better at self-soothing, so there are less screaming fits. She is extremely sweet and happy when she's getting exactly what she wants, when she wants it. She is not the diva she once was though!
Areas to Work On: Stretching out her feedings and increasing her ounces. So far, she has shown no increase in either.
New Things: She is just now liking her Boppy pillow. She is also discovering the great outdoors like her brother. She sounds different...different sounds, coos, even a slightly different sounding cry.
Comparison: She is more visual than Carson. She can be distracted by music or other sounds. She is also starting to imitate when I stick my tongue out at her, she will stick her tongue out too. Overall, she is more clingy and emotional (if that's possible in a baby) than her brother.
Randomness: I've never cut her fingernails before. She is doing much less chirping in her sleep now. She is no longer a noisy baby, and it happened overnight! She's never worn a bow before. In fact, I don't even own any bows or headbands for her.
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