May 29, 2007

Baby Personality Quiz

I found this on The Twinkies blog. Interesting. I thought Carson's profile was right on the money, and Kate's was completely wrong. Of course, it's pretty silly to be assigning predictions on 3 1/2 month old babies!

He will be very intelligent. Although he is very bright, his shy nature [I can see the shyness already] may keep him from reaching his full potential. He is conservative and reserved [True, True]. You can anticipate a very organized person. In fact, his need for organization is borderline compulsive. He will be the type of person that can’t put things off until tomorrow because it will drive him crazy. In school, if he is given a group project he will slowly take over the project. He doesn’t like things to be done incorrectly and if he can’t have it done his way he will get frustrated. He doesn’t like to be criticized and he has a bit of a superiority complex. If he is angry with you, you will never know. He keeps things to himself but may be secretly vindictive. He will most likely go to college [This is not open for debate in our family.]. He will pursue a job that makes him feel important. He is a hard worker but he may be slow at getting his job done because of his need to check and recheck his work. He may choose a career in electronics, engineering, accounting, aviation, or pharmacology.

She will be very dependable and responsible; the type that likes to make her parents happy [This was surprising. I would have guessed "hell raiser."]. You can expect her to be able to handle stress and pressure well. She will not be the one you have to worry about. She is sensitive, friendly and caring. She doesn’t like to stand out or draw attention. She is not likely to take a leadership position [She is geneticly linked to me, therefore this won't be true]. She prefers to be the one that works in the background. In her attempt to be likable, she may cave in to peer pressure in her teens. However, she is not rebellious and cares about making her parents happy as much as she does her friends. As an adult, she will likely go to college and pursue a stable job. She is not the type that will flip flop around in her career choices. She will pick something she thinks she will do well at and stick with it. Possible careers are laboratory technician, computer programmer, physical therapist, paralegal, or dental hygienist.


Eva said...

Sarah had the same profile as Kate.

So sorry about the colds. We've had our share of daycare colds and they are no fun. I keep trying to call them immune system builders rather than colds. I'm sure in a few years we'll be happy about the stronger defenses against germs, but in the moment, it definitely stinks. Hope everyone is better soon.

And, by the way, J&S weren't interested in toys for a long time, but now they always want to have something in their hands (even if it's their sibling's foot).

Anonymous said...

Hi! Could you please tell me where I can find this quiz? I'm so eager to try it but the site isn't showing it any longer. =(

Anyone know where I could find it?

Anonymous said...