April 13, 2007

Pedi Appointment: 2 Months Old


Birth (2/12)...2 lbs, 11 oz; 16.25 inches

NICU Discharge (3/15)...4 lbs, 4 oz

3/20...4 lbs, 8 oz

3/30...4 lbs, 14 oz

4/13...6 lbs, 3 oz; 18.5 inches


Birth (2/12)...4 lbs, 4 oz; 17.5 inches

NICU Discharge (3/15)...5 lbs, 13 oz

3/20...6 lbs, 2 oz

3/30...6 lbs, 13 oz

4/13...8 lbs, 0 oz; 21 inches

Carson is in the 92nd percentile on height on the preemie growth chart, and 75 percentile on weight. Little Kate is still trying to catch up, but she has come a long way in 2 months!

1 comment:

Kerry Lynn said...

Kate is doing a fabulous job! And yet another similarity between us...Madison weighed 6lb 3oz yesterday...hmmm and also I think Kate looks similar to Madison too...her eyes.