I wanted to show everyone what we are doing for our birth announcements. We decided a while back that we wanted to do something unique and something distinctly not "baby-ish." My two baby showers and my nursery are all over-the-top cute and baby-ish, so Mark and I are on cuteness overload.
Anyway, I found this guy who makes movie poster-style birth announcements. We think they are so cool looking and definitely different! It has all of their birth stats plus other things like...
Directed by [OB's Name]
Produced by [Our Names]
Filmed on location at Seton Medical Center
Supporting Cast [peri doc, neo doc, head nurse's names]
Now Showing in Austin, TX
Catered by Mommy & Similac
Soundtrack Available on Waaahhh!!! Records
Rated "T" for Twins
This is also a cute nod of sorts to my mother-in-law who was a child star back in her day. (She played Darla in The Little Rascals movies in the 1940s.)
Here is a link to his web site...5 Star Baby. I have also posted the two twin samples he emailed me. If you save the photos and blow them up, you can see all the details I am talking about.
In other news...I had my post-partum OB appointment this morning. All is well. My blood pressure is still high (damn pre-eclampsia...it's still hanging on!). I will have it checked in a month and if there is no major improvement he will put me on blood pressure meds and send me to a cardiologist. Wonderful. That's I need...another specialist!
We have had a rough day with Carson. He is developing a pattern of crying his butt off until I put him on my chest. This is concerning to me because years ago my mother-in-law told me my husband only wanted to sleep on her chest/stomach when he was a baby. I know Carson's had some gas issues lately, and perhaps laying on his tummy helps...or...could this behavior/preference actually be genetic? What's really odd is he can be in full-blown cry mode and the second his cheek hits my chest he is out like a light. I don't know what to do with this. Mark is afraid I am "spoiling" him but there is only so much crying I can take. Not to mention there is always the fear that his screaming will wake up Kate, and then I would have two screaming twins. [And that is to be avoided at ALL cost!]
What adorable baby announcements.
You can't spoil a baby. Don't worry about that. Just as a reference, our son did that "sleep on the chest" thing at first too. Totally normal, and they grow out of it and then you miss it.
I absolutely do not want to freak you out here, but if only, ONLY allow them to sleep on their tummies on your chest.
My son would only sleep on his stomach. If not, he woke up every 15 minutes. He died of SIDS at 3 1/2 months and while that is not the only factor, the ME was very clear it contributed and I will live with that forever.
Just don't do it.
I love those announcements!
I had read on your blog about your son's death. I can't even begin to imagine how horrible that has been for you and your family.
I don't let the twins sleep on their tummies. They do get tummy time when they are awake, active and with me playing with them. I did a lot of reading about SIDS and the tummy sleeping issue, that's why I am not sure if I should allow Carson to continue sleeping on my chest on occasion.
When does the risk of SIDS go away or at least decrease?
I think that the only real problem with "Chest Sleeping" is that they may get used to it and have problems sleeping the other way.
If it's just chest sleeping, I don't know if I would worry too much about it as long as it isn't the only way he'll go down (Like Matthew) or it isn't for really long stretches of time.
The highest risk for SIDS occurs between one and six months, though the risk can occur up to two years.
Death from SIDS is most often in the first year, though.
I really don't know how much his stomach sleeping contributed. That is the problem. No one really KNOWS anything solid about SIDS.
All I do know is that I knew better and never felt good about allowing him to sleep like that, but I did it anyway because we and he were so flipping tired.
I don't think that that choice was the whole reason he died, but it was a part of it. I would never want another mom to have the regret I do. It sucks.
yup- you totally cannot spoil a baby by holding/ loving them. You should be happy to have that one thing you know will settle him. If you're worried about SIDS, can you get him to sleep that way and then settle him on his back, or does he wake up again right away? Colic sucks, esp. w/ twins- we've been dealing with it, too. Wish the chest thing worked for us. ;) Anyway, at least it will pass, it will pass...
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