Not much to report. The babies are doing great. Both have mastered the art of bottle feedings. They are still doing some tube feedings (to conserve calories & energy), but they are taking more than 20 cc in the bottle per feeding.
My long time friend Amanda -- the one I went to DC with -- was in town for business and came up to see the twins.
It's a beautiful day here in Austin. It feels like spring finally. I am trying to wake Hubby from his nap to go look at more professional cameras. I am using the birth of the twins are an excuse to buy the camera I've always wanted. :)
Should I put all of the twins' photos into one big photo album or should I create two books for each twin? I am thinking one day they will want their baby photos and this way they won't have to sort through them and separate them. What do you think? Advice needed.
Photo albums--I think you should do a small special album for each of them but then you should also do a family photo album with everyone in it.
I agree with Katriina. That's what I plan to do with my twins.
Definitely two, one for each. They will love to have their own one day. :) That's my plan, yo!
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