I have changed all of my pre-birth opinions on breastfeeding. I started pumping a few hours after I delivered, and my milk finally arrived this morning. The babies got their first "mommy meal" this afternoon. [Side Note: The milk tastes yuck. Yes, of course, I tried some. Wouldn't you?]
Both kiddos are doing great. Kate is responding very well to kangaroo care, and the doc is now making it mandatory to do it twice a day with her...for 2 hours total. She obviously loves it, and I love it too. I can't wait to start doing this with Mr. Carson. I need some bonding time with him!
He is doing better. They started him on some medicine to close off that valve and it appears to be working. They will do another eco test tonight to see. Once he is over that hurdle, I can hold him all I want.
I was released from the hospital today. I feel pretty good, but I would love a full night's deep sleep. My back is still killing me. It's a million times worse than the incision area. The nurse said it could last for months. Wonderful!
Well I am off to shower and get ready for another trip to the NICU. I can't wait to see them again.
Oh, and I've lost 23 lbs since I gave birth on Monday. I gained a total of 40 lbs during the pregnancy.
Both kiddos are doing great. Kate is responding very well to kangaroo care, and the doc is now making it mandatory to do it twice a day with her...for 2 hours total. She obviously loves it, and I love it too. I can't wait to start doing this with Mr. Carson. I need some bonding time with him!
He is doing better. They started him on some medicine to close off that valve and it appears to be working. They will do another eco test tonight to see. Once he is over that hurdle, I can hold him all I want.
I was released from the hospital today. I feel pretty good, but I would love a full night's deep sleep. My back is still killing me. It's a million times worse than the incision area. The nurse said it could last for months. Wonderful!
Well I am off to shower and get ready for another trip to the NICU. I can't wait to see them again.
Oh, and I've lost 23 lbs since I gave birth on Monday. I gained a total of 40 lbs during the pregnancy.
That's great, Shannon. I have the utmost respect and admiration for those who are able to do so much pumping. You rock!!!!
And to answer your question about tasting breastmilk -- I never have, and I've nursed 3 kiddos. I've often looked at a bottle of expressed milk and wondered, but could never quite bring myself to do it. Glad to hear I didn't miss out on anything.
The pumping is going okay, but the docs are still talking to me about using some donor milk. Everday my body is producing a good supply of milk, but it still doesn't seem to be enough for the demands of two hungry preemies. So it makes me feel a little defeated, but I'm up for doing whatever is best for them.
As far as the tasting is concerned, it's not like I tossed it back like I was taking a shot tequila or something. :) There were two fat drops left on the funnel looking part of the pump that couldn't make it into the bottle. So I dipped my finger in it and took a taste. For some reason -- I must have heard it from someone at some point -- I thought it would taste sweet. I've heard it described as "sugar water tasting." That's not the case with mine.
Anyway, I've tried it. The mystery is solved. Won't be doing that again. :)
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