February 2, 2007

Baby Measurements

I am exhausted and need to go to bed, so this will be quick...

The perinatalist FINALLY appeared tonight. I like him when I actually see him and he is the best of the best in Austin, but he knows all of this...and acts accordingly.

Baby Boy = 3 lbs, 9 oz. Transverse position.
Baby Girl= 2 lbs, 15 oz (1 oz short of 3 lbs even). Breech position.
They are still "cuddling" with their heads next to each other. All vitals are good on them, but I am worried about our daughter. The size difference is growing greater and that has me worried, but the doc said she was only 2 oz less that where the average is for her age.

The shocking news...he giving me a less than 50/50 chance of making it until Valentine's Day (2 weeks from now), less than 25% of making it a week after than that, and no chance in hell of seeing March. My mouth hit the floor because I have been telling myself this was just a small bump in the road and I would get through this and go on another month of more. It's not going to happen. I need to just surrender myself and give up the desire to bed rest at home. My health situation could change in a few hours. This damn pre-eclampsia (spelling?) is dangerous stuff. I heard the word stroke, brain damage, etc. tonight for the first time. The danger is to both me and the babies.

BTW...too all the twin folks reading this...I have now been told today by the nurses in the NICU here that they are against any form of co-sleeping of twins. The American Pediatric Society said it is causing a lot of SIDS cases because the twins are breathing in each other's carbon dioxide (i.e., breathing in what the other is exhaling). Interesting.

I start week 31 on Friday ... or Saturday depending on which doc you ask.

On a lighter topic... my hubby and mom both went out to stock me up on magazines and books while I am here at the hospital. Hubby returned with all kinds of political, current event, and non-fiction items. My mom came back with celebrity rags, Good Housekeeping mag, and Family Circle mag. haha Safe to say Hubby knows me best, and mom has a bad case of wishful thinking. :)


Jessica said...

Oh, wow. Hang in there. Try to relax as best you can. Hmm... I'm planning on co-sleeping my twins in a crib for the first 5-6 months. I was however thinking of putting them head to foot.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine how stressful this must all be for you. I hope you and babies an easy time until they're delivered and no further complications.

I was hospitalized a few years ago and my mom did the same thing -- bought me In Style, Good Housekeeping, and Family Circle. It was, like, Oh gee, um, thanks mom. Because I really care about a sitcom actress's living room designer. My husband got me Newsweek, Wired, and Rolling Stone and I was happy.

Kerry Lynn said...

OMG! Shannon I can't believe how our lives are mirroring eachother! I'm so sorry you are dealing with this but your attitude yesterday sounded a little better...you know how serious the situation is and you are willing to do what it takes. I'm sorry to say that my hospital food is actually very good. oh and I have GD too. It was pretty out of control which I didn't realize til I got here and they were testing me. I'm now on nph at night and insulin before breakfast and lunch. My numbers are WAY better now which is good for all of us. I update my blog every night so be sure to check back. oh and yes pre-e is VERY serious stuff. My best friend lost her baby at 28 weeks because noone was monitoring her and it was just too late and then she literally struggled for her own life. It was horrific as I'm sure you can imagine.
Hang in there and follow dr.s orders :-) Be thankful you have the internet. I don't know what I would be doing without it.