January 30, 2007

Baby Doc & Breast Feeding

At 8 AM this morning, Hubby and I had our consultation with the pediatrician that came highly recommended by all the women at Hubby's office. The visit went fine with the exception of one little issue.

He completely dismissed my feelings on breast feeding.

First let me say, that I am generally an advocate of breast feeding. I was breast fed. Everyone in my family has breast fed. I am fully aware of all of it's benefits. However, I have some medical issues that make it much less appealing for me to breast feed. "Appealing" isn't the right word.

The number one reason I plan on formula feeding after we come home from the hospital is my severe diabetes. My plan is to give the twins colostrum (spelling?) in the hospital because it will be so beneficial to the babies, but after that they need to go to formula. I have spoken to three specialists on this issue, and they all say the same thing...as soon as I deliver the twins, I need to let my body start to heal immediately. This twin pregnancy has taken a physical toll on my body thanks to the damn diabetes. Breast feeding, in many ways, is just as taxing on the maternal body as the pregnancy itself. As I sit here typing this, I am awaiting a phone call to hear if yesterday's lab work indicates kidney damage. I need to protect my own health...not just for me but for my twins' as well. They need a healthy mom.

Anyway, the pediatrician immediately vetoed that. He pretty much "insists" that I breast feed for at least the first six months. Then he went on to give me the lecture of the benefits of breast feeding. I'm sorry, but that really pissed me off.

I made the decision to formula feed based on a lot of research and under the consultation of many other doctors who specialize in diabetic pregnancies. For months I felt very guilty about that decision. Of course I want to give my babies the very best and do what's best for them, but not at the risk of my own long-term health. I absolutely hate it when people ask me if I plan on breast feeding. I've come to consider it a personal question, and I usually find myself explaining my medical history as a way to "justify" my decision. And usually it's complete strangers or people I barely know who apparently find it most appropriate to ask me!

So I don't know what to do about this pediatrician. I liked his office. I liked the nurses and ladies we met at his office. I like his general philosophy and office procedures. But his dismissal and the patronizing way he spoke to me about the feeding issue is stuck in my head. Hubby liked him, and told me just to ignore him and do what we plan on doing anyway. Perhaps I should, but I hope it's not an indication of what I can expect from him in the future. The absolute last thing I need or want in my life is a combative relationship with my babies' doctor.

Am I over-reacting?


Maggie said...

over-reacting? No way!

Jessica said...

Argg. Your health is just as important as the babies is. How else are you going to take care of both your little ones unless you are recovering from the pregnancy and birth, and feeling th ebest you can? The guilt sucks and I agree, he is out of line and it is inappropriate. It's totally your decision- and yes, they will be ok, not only that, they will thrive on formula. I hate any doctor who is dismissive of concerns or questions, no matter how big or how small. If I were you, I'd try to find another ped (if you can) because this is an issue that will probably come up repeatedly.

Jessica said...

oh- btw- I did both (bf and formula) and my little guy is healthy as can be.

Anonymous said...

No, you're not over-reacting at all. Breastfeeding is great, but it isn't the best thing in all situations, whether for medical reasons or emotional reasons. It almost sounds like the pediatrician wants you to bring in a note from your endocrinologist: Please excuse Shannon from breastfeeding due to diabetes complications. Good lord. If you can't get this doc to accept that there is no one-size-fits-all breastfeeding standard, maybe you do need to find a new one.