Alright, this is seriously the last meme of the day, and then I really will get to doing what I need to be doing. On a side note, I hate it when people say that their resolution for the New Year is to not making any resolutions. It's all about goal setting! When you actually have a written list of small goals you would like to accomplish in the near future, it seems to be easier to stay on task and when you mark something off, there is a much greater sense of accomplishment.
- Take my bed rest confinement seriously. Know that it's to help my babies stay inside the oven for as long as possible and it's only temporary.
- Handle the birth of my twins like a champ! Conquer my fears in this department and try to enjoy the miracle of the whole event.
- Allow others to help me...i.e., stop being such a control freak and accept the help I will so desperately need when it's offered to me.
- Be the best mother I can be. Hopefully gain some patience and selflessness, and just give everything I can to these two lives that will depend on me for everything. Enjoy motherhood!
- Schedule some private time for myself and Hubby.
- Get back in shape! Lose the baby weight and then some. This will also greatly help my diabetes. I want off of the insulin and back to just taking one pill a day.
- Gradually start working again from home later in the year.
- Go to Vegas in November for my good friend's wedding. This will probably be the first little post-twins trip Hubby and I make. We are already looking forward to it!
- Stay connected to my network of friends.
- Buy new house this summer.
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