August 7, 2006

Exciting News!

Sorry for the long delay in blogging, but this time I have a good excuse! Last Tuesday, August 1st, I found out that I am pregnant! I absolutely can't believe it, and I am thrilled and excited beyond words!!

Hubby and I have been trying for about 3 years now. Last summer we went threw infertility treatments, and that was an emotional nightmare. That is also when I found out that I am diabetic. So, getting my diabetes under control became priority number one and we took a year long break from activity trying to conceive.

I am only about 5 1/2 weeks pregnant, and the only thing I can focus on is getting to week 12. Week 12 marks the end of my first trimester and therefore an 80% decrease in my risk of miscarriage. I am terrified of losing this baby. On August 29th we get to see the baby for the first time on the that's the other big date on the calendar I am looking forward to.

I went to my OB and had blood work done to (a) confirm the pregnancy, and (b) to check my progesterone hormone levels. The pregnancy was confirmed and my hormones were sky high. I only have had a few moments of morning sickness (thankfully), but I have had lower back soreness (normal), very mild cramping (normal), everything taste bland to me (normal), vivid dreams (normal), irrational crying fits (normal...and funny), extreme fatigue (normal), and painfully sore boobs (normal). It's amazing how quickly my body has changed, and it has slowed me down this week.

Anyway, I will be posting more and I am sure this will end up becoming a pregnancy blog for the next 7-8 months. :) Man, I am still just in shock!

Baby is due either the last week of March or the first week of April...which is ironic since my 30th birthday will be March 31st.

More later....

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