June 2, 2006

I'm the Flanders Mare!

I don't know about the rest of you, dear readers, but I get slammed with several pointless, silly quizzes everyday online. Today, I was finally sent something that was a bit more high-brow.

I admit to being a bit of an English/Royalty/Tudor history nerd, so I enjoyed it. I was disappointed that I wasn't Anne Boleyn (Elizabeth I's mom). Oh well, at least I am a wife that kept her head! Here are my results:
Sensible, comfort loving and practical. Not afraid to wear ugly shoes on a date.

Anna of Cleves got the royal shaft. She came all the way to England to become the fourth wife of Henry VIII. Once married to Anna, he refused to consummate the marriage, and called her the "Flanders Mare." Talk about a burn, considering that by this time, Henry was the fattest man in England and had a rotting syphilis sore on his leg.

Anna was miffed, but she was too sensible to let it ruin her fun. She was given an annulment and a fat yearly allowance, and she threw extravagant parties and dined on delicacies for the rest of her life.

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