- It's so strange not being pregnant anymore. In most ways it's wonderful! My belly (for the most part) is gone. Yesterday I actually put on a pair of pre-pregnant panties and they fit...well, they were a little tight, but they almost fit! I don't need to go to the bathroom every hour. I can almost sleep on my stomach, and laying on my back doesn't hurt or cut off circulation. I can see my feet! All of my swelling is gone. I have much more physical energy and can do things around the house again. The list could go on and on. One thing I am surprised that I miss is my team of docs. After having my incision checked at the OB's, there is a feeling of 'Okay, well have a nice life' in the air. After months of weekly or bi-weekly appointments, I started to feel like I knew these people -- their kids names, their own pregnancy experiences, where they went to school, etc. It's just odd to look at my calendar and not see doc appointments on there, and to know I won't be going back until my next annual Pap exam in a year. I actually kinda-sorta-just-a-little-bit miss my OB and his staff. Very odd.
- I am passing up new business every day. Word got out in the NICU that I know a thing or two about real estate, and now they flock to me. Who would have guessed nurses and doctors in the NICU would be such a pond for business. However, I'm out of real estate right now and have no desire or interest to go back anytime soon. I find it rather annoying to be trying to feed one of my babies and have a nurse I don't know start asking me market questions. I have been passing all prospects on to a friend of mine who is still in the game. I hope she likes all the free clients I'm giving her. :)
- Speaking of careers, I'm not sure what I am going to do when the time is right for me to go back to work. I never considered real estate my profession. It's what I do to make money -- good money. It's not my passion though. My love, my passion, my education and background is in journalism and politics. It's a tough road though. At some point several years ago, I decided that I wanted a better lifestyle more than I wanted to starve being a reporter or freelance writer. Now things are different. Hubby's career is in a much different place, and I have more freedom to explore it again without fear of financial hardship. Plus, a big election year is already starting to heat up and I feel that pull again. Hmm...what to do, what to do... (By the way, don't just me as a writer based on this blog. There is a reason I call it stream of consciousness.)
- Oh, there is other stuff, but I need some sleep.
February 28, 2007
Stuff on my mind
Carson's Impression of a Traffic Cone

Oh, and sorry for all of the up-shots. His little nose really isn't that big, but they have his bed angled in such a way that I always photograph right up his nose!
Just another Wednesday
February 24, 2007
Saturday Photos
February 22, 2007
Bottle Feeding
February 21, 2007
The Roller Coaster Ride Continues
February 20, 2007
Sleep Glorious Sleep
February 19, 2007
One Week Down
Arrival for fellow pregnant-with-twins chick
Here is her blog...
The Power of Hormones...Bad Night @ NICU
I spoke too soon about the oxygen mask. We were so excited about going up to the NICU last night because we thought we would get to finally see Carson without all the masks and whatnot. When we got up there, they were still on him.
There was also a respiratory therapist from another local hospital filling in for the regular therapist that night. This woman was a bitch. There is no other nice, sugar-coated way to say it. I asked her about the mask situation and if it was coming off tonight, and she all but called me a liar when I mentioned the neo doc had said that morning it was coming off. She had a cold, piss-poor attitude and was extremely rude. Here's the thing...if Carson still needs help, then by all means keep the mask on and give him the help he still needs. BUT tread lightly when you start getting an attitude and calling a highly emotional NICU mother a liar.
Once she left the room, I did kangaroo time with Carson and Hubby held Kate. Then the emotions flooded to the surface. I started crying and I just couldn't stop. Part of it was the disappointment of the mask situation, part of it was my exhaustion (6 hours a day in a NICU is draining), part of it was the realization that this was our life now. I was just a mess. I feel like I've been so strong this week -- both physically and emotionally -- and constantly telling people the twins are doing great (which they are) that it all just caught up with me. The babies are doing great in the NICU. We have been incredibly lucky that our 32 week twins are having no major trouble at all. They had all the cards stacked against them, and they have proven all the docs and stats wrong so far. But, frankly, this sucks! I hate that it takes a team of nurses to hand Carson to me due to all of his wires. If you combined all of the wires I have in my home office -- 2 desktop computers, 2 laptops, fax/copier/printer machine, and phone -- it still wouldn't equal how many wires are connected to my son. After holding him for an hour, the plastic mask thing leaves an indention in my skin where his face had been resting. They are pinning his arms down now because he has pulled out his own feeding tube in his mouth twice now. He tugs and pushes on his mask...he obviously hates it too. Kate is making headway, but she is still so tiny. Sometimes she reminds me of a hairless baby bird in a nest...granted, she is a beautiful baby bird. It's just not the fantasy. It's not what I dreamed about for 8 months. I thought I would make my 36 week goal and would be able to leave the hospital with the twins. I thought a week after delivery I would be complaining about my lack of sleep due to all of the 3 AM feedings. I know we made the right decision to take them out at 32 weeks -- especially after the neo doc told us Kate wouldn't have survived another week in the womb -- but I still can't completely shake the lingering feeling of disappointment. Not in the twins (they are perfect), but in myself for not holding them in longer. Should I have put myself on bed rest sooner? Should I have not done so much shopping in the last few weeks? I could go on. Hubby hates it when I do this because he knows how much I gave up with ensure a successful pregnancy...including my own business.
Before I was released from the hospital last week, the nurses had told me watch out for a lot of emotions and possible depression. Carrying twins means I had an incredible amount of hormones running through me for 8 months and the stress of having babies in the NICU puts me at risk for depression. I don't think so. At least not right now. I think I just had a bad night, and I feel better this morning.
I feel slightly embarrassed I lost it at the NICU last night. It's the second time they've seen me cry, and I don't want them to label me as the basket case mom. If they do that then I'm worried they will be more cautious about what they tell me, and I want to know every little thing (good and bad).
Okay, I better start getting ready for my morning visit to the NICU. Hubby has returned to work today, so this is my first day back with my own car and a slightly normal schedule. Sorry for all the bitching and venting today, but that's why I have a blog. I just needed to get all that off my chest. NICU life is tough and I can't wait to get my babies home.
February 18, 2007
Good-bye Oxygen Mask
February 17, 2007
This is sooo gross!

Massively swollen feet and ankles! I was told this is normal. That has something to do with my body re-organizing itself and not knowing where to put the extra fluids my body is trying to expel post-delivery. Anyway, I had Hubby take these nasty photos outside of the NICU because I wanted it documented just how bad it was. It's so bad that I'm having trouble walking because I have no movement in my ankles.
Oh, and for the record...I have bony feet and ankles....always have...so this is what I look like 3 times my normal size.
1st Time Holding Carson

We got another excellent report from the neo docs today. Both kiddos are doing very well. Carson has made huge strides now that his heart murmur is

The twins apparently love my breast milk, and their digestive systems are working perfectly. They are slowly packing on some weight. They started out taking 3 cc of milk and today they are up to 8 cc!
My C-Section Experience
In the days leading up to the c-section I was so bitchy, on edge and scared...and it was all for nothing! Honestly, the C-section wasn't bad at all. The worst part was getting the IV and that's mainly due to a nurse who opposed using the numbing shot first. I didn't even feel them giving me the spinal block. I was waiting and waiting and then I asked, "When are you going to do it?" Just as I said that I could feel all this warmth traveling up and down my body. They laughed and said it was done. Being shaved was interesting. I remember making jokes to the poor nurse who had that task.
My OB came into the OR and said hello, kissed me on the forehead and asked me if I was excited. I just love my OB. However, I expected him to give some kind of play-by-play of events as they were happening, but he didn't. Hubby was sitting next to my head, holding my left hand, and looked scared. I was amazingly calm.
Next thing I heard was the voice of my OB saying, "Happy Birthday Katherine! Hi little girl!" There was no cry. They covered her in a blanket and rushed her out of the room. I didn't even get a glimpse. I looked at Hubby and he looked like he was about to lose it; he squeeze my hand. I could tell he was smiling even though he had on a mask.
Next I felt all kinds of tugging and pulling. Nothing hurt, of course, but I could tell Carson was going to be a lot bigger than his sister based on the amount of effort it took getting him out. It seemed to last forever -- though in reality it was 2 minutes.
Then we heard, "Hey little wiggling worm! You thought you could get away from me?! Happy Birthday Carson!" [Apparently once Kate was out, Carson took advantage of the extra womb room and played a bit of hide-and-seek from my OB.] I got a quick glimpse of him being rushed out. All we saw was two semi-bloody legs up in the air and a big blanket. Hubby snapped a photo.
I looked over again at Hubby. He was sobbing now. Not crying, but sobbing. He leaned close my face and said, "We are parents! You did it." and he kissed me through the mask. All I could do was smile. I wasn't crying. I think I was just in shock that it was all over with.
A few short minutes later, they brought Katherine in to see me. They put her by my face and I kissed her on the cheek. She didn't look anything like I expected. I could tell she was very tiny. The nurse who brought her in said, "She is tiny, but boy is she feisty!" They took her away, and a few minutes later they brought both twins in to see me. They were in a clear plastic box. I didn't get to kiss Carson, but I saw him. He was blowing spit bubbles and was crying. Joy washed over me once I heard him crying.
The twins and Hubby left the room. I wanted Hubby to stay with the babies. He got photos of then being weighed, etc. As they made their way to the elevators to go up to the NICU, the ran into my entourage. So my mom, mother-in-law, aunts, etc. got to see the babies in the clear plastic box. I'm so glad they got to see them there.
I spent an hour in the recovery room. Mom came into to see me. She went on and on about how beautiful the twins are, how they were breathing on their own, etc. I've never seen her beam like that before. Hubby came into the recovery room with a napkin with their heights and weights written on it.
After the recovery room, I went to my private mother-baby room. I stayed there for 4 days. They made me walk to the bathroom (about 6 feet) and to my wheelchair that evening. That was not fun. Lots of bleeding that first and second day. The day after surgery was the worst physically and emotionally for me. I hurt pretty badly and I cried all day.
But after the hurdle of day 2, everything has been smooth. It has now been five days and I feel almost back to normal. I am walking just fine. I am eating, sitting up in bed, etc. I am still sore and I still need to stay on top of my pain meds (I can tell when they are wearing off), but otherwise it's no big deal.
So that's the story. Now it's time to pump some more milk for the kiddos.
February 16, 2007
Kate & Carson @ 4 Days Old

February 15, 2007
Milk Arrives & I Go Home
Both kiddos are doing great. Kate is responding very well to kangaroo care, and the doc is now making it mandatory to do it twice a day with her...for 2 hours total. She obviously loves it, and I love it too. I can't wait to start doing this with Mr. Carson. I need some bonding time with him!
He is doing better. They started him on some medicine to close off that valve and it appears to be working. They will do another eco test tonight to see. Once he is over that hurdle, I can hold him all I want.
I was released from the hospital today. I feel pretty good, but I would love a full night's deep sleep. My back is still killing me. It's a million times worse than the incision area. The nurse said it could last for months. Wonderful!
Well I am off to shower and get ready for another trip to the NICU. I can't wait to see them again.
Oh, and I've lost 23 lbs since I gave birth on Monday. I gained a total of 40 lbs during the pregnancy.
February 14, 2007
My little Valentines
I am feeling much better today. Yesterday was the worst physically and emotionally. I am still sore and walking like an old lady, but it is much better. I was either not prepared or just kidding myself as to how painful life can be after major abdominal surgery. But like I said, today is better day and I have new pain meds.
I never thought it was possible to fall in love so quickly. They don't look or act anything like I envisioned they would while pregnant, but that makes it all the better. The NICU nurses have me doing "kangaroo care" for at least one hour a day with Kate. Once Carson gets better stabilized, I will do this with him too. They put her on my bare chest (no bra or anything)...they cover her with blankets that have been warmed in the microwave...and I just hold her. She listens to my heart beat, breathing, pumping blood, the sound of my voice...all the things she had while in the womb. It's amazing how she knows me. She clings to me. I'm all she know...me and her twin brother I should say. She is just the sweetest baby girl in the world. She throws a fit when the nurses reposition her, and they all say she is feisty and a fighter. She is a bit yellowish in color, so they are putting her under the special lights tomorrow.
Carson is having to fight more. He has fluid on the lungs. Today we found out that he has a minor heart murmur, but it's something that he will correct himself or they can give him a shot to correct it. It's a tiny hole that naturally closes late in a pregnancy. His didn't close yet because he was born so early. Once the murmur is fixed, he will be able to pump the rest of the fluid off his lungs on his own. So he is closely monitored. I am upset that I haven't gotten to hold him yet...or even gotten a good look at him. He is covered with all kinds of tubes, masks, etc. It makes me feel guilty that Kate is getting all the attention from us right now and he isn't.
It just kills me when I hear him cry...like when the nurses are re-attaching his IV. I hate that I can't hold him and comfort him...or at least hurt the mean nurse who is hurting him. :)
Carson definitely looks like my family...even down to the feet! I can't wait to see all of him. We still don't even know what his eye color is!
Anyway, I will post more later. I am about to shower and head back up to the NICU. I am going home tomorrow around lunch.
February 13, 2007
Kate & Carson are here
Katherine Bailey "Kate" was born on February 12, 2007 at 1:54 PM in Austin, TX. She weighed 2 lbs, 11 oz and is 16 1/2 inches long. She may be tiny, but she is feisty! Kate is already eating from a nippled bottle and requires no assistance or oxygen in breathing.
Carson Patrick was born at 1:56 PM. He weighed 4 lbs, 4 oz and is 17 1/4 inches long. He looks like his mommy's side of the family, and he is needing some help with his breathing. Overall he is doing great.
They both scored a 9 on the Apgar Test.
The c-section was super easy, but I am really having a horrible recovery. I will post more on this once I am able to physically sit up long enough to do so. I thought I was prepared for the NICU experience but I wasn't.
I am so in love with my new babies, but times are tough right now for everyone. I will post more when I can. Here are some photos in the mean time.
February 11, 2007
My sanity has somewhat returned and I no longer want to climb a clock tower. I had a nice long talk with Lee Anne and she calmed me down and helped put things in better perspective. She has always been good with that. I tried to talk to Hubby about all of this stuff, but he is just too close to the flame, so to speak. It's nice to have someone you can vent to, but who isn't so close to the situation that they take things personally.
This will be my final post as a "pregnant-with-twins chick." I am sure my next post will be later in the week and will be my "birth experience" story.
Wish me luck because God knows I will need it. I can't remember the last time I was so stressed, nervous and anxious all at the same time. I really hope I will be able to report that it wasn't a big deal at all.
Photos coming soon :)
More Advice...
- Have your baby showers early! Everyone thought I was nuts for having my first one at 22 weeks and my last one at 26 weeks. The first one was out-of-town, so I wanted to get the travelling over with quickly. Plus, we had Christmas to deal with so I had it the first week of December so it wouldn't interfere with people's holiday plans. My last one was here in Austin, and I ended up in the hospital with complications less than 2 weeks later. So it was just in the nick of time! Plus, since I had them early it gave me the freedom of time to really organize the nursery, assess what I still needed, and write my thank you notes. All of this once again has to do with the comparison of singleton vs. twin pregnancies. You really can't wait until well into your third trimester like so many singleton ladies do. You might find yourself in my situation...not having much of a third trimester.
- Have a communications liaison. This is a lesson I learned from my cousin who had twins in September. My very good friend Lee Anne has been mine. I gave her a list of people I wanted emailed and a small handful of older relatives (that don't do email) to be called. This way hubby or my mom could make only one phone call (to her) and she could send out the update emails, field the phone calls and reply to questions in people's email replies. We did this when I ended up in the hospital two weeks ago, and it went beautifully. This way me, Hubby and my mom weren't swamped with a million calls of "What's going on? How is Shannon? How are the babies? What did the doctor say? When will those test results be in?" etc. I had her nicely mention in the email for folks not to call my cell number or direct hospital number. My cousin went through a nightmare of constantly ringing phones (both hospital landline and all the cell phones) while she was having needles stuck in her arms or getting updates while her doc was in the room. All of this may sound impersonal to you, but I come from a very large family...plus all of my old co-workers and clients have kept up with my pregnancy; Hubby's co-workers, friends and clients have kept up; a ton of family friends and neighbors; even my Mom's co-workers, friends and clients. It adds up to over 100 people who have insisted on immediate notification...this was the only system that would work and keep us sane. Lee Anne has been a God-sent. I am going to have to treat her to a very nice gift or spa package once all of this is over.
- Am I the only one who has found it frustrating that no one has written a week-by-week pregnancy book for twins? I have one for singletons, but there is nothing out there for twins. The same can be said for baby books. I ended up buying a baby book for each twin, but it would have been nice to do one big book.
Last Day of Pregnancy
"I've never seen a 3 pound baby before!"
"I'm dying to see how teeny tiny all those babies are!"
"I can't believe you are giving birth at 32 weeks! Do you know that's two months premature?! I want to see what a 32 week old baby looks like!"
And I'm not talking about immediate family members. I'm talking about my husband's office manager -- who we do not know socially and who just had a baby of her own in December. Very distant relatives and even a former neighbor. It takes everything I have in me not to yell FUCK YOU into the phone. How dare people treat my babies -- who will be fighting and struggling for their own lives -- like a damn circus sideshow.
To be very honest, I wish this whole matter was a private affair. I wish it was just me and hubby. No family in the waiting room. No friends travelling across the state for this. No one. Just us. We have people calling wanting directions (try MapQuest people!). We have people calling for hotel suggestions. I hate it. I hate all of it. I just want to be left alone. This is a high-risk, high-stress, emotional thing for us.
I had no idea I would feel like this. I guess it's the last surprise of pregnancy. The bad aspect to having a birth planned for a few days is that it gives people plenty of time to bug you and make plans to bug you even more in person...when my focus should be on the condition of my babies, breastfeeding (which, yes, I will HAVE TO do while they are in NICU), and my own recovery after surgery. I am pretty sure I am going to tell the nurses to block people from coming into my post-surgery room.
And it amazes me how people tell me these stories of horrible c-sections. In the past two days, I've heard from a friend's cousin that it felt like she was being sawed in half. I've also heard from a friend of a friend of my mother-in-law's that the spinal didn't work completely and she could feel most of the surgery. And the stories continue. Is this really the kind of shit you tell a woman right before she has that same surgery? Either I am surrounded by the dumbest people God ever created or people just have no tact or common sense at all.
So, like I said, I'm on edge today. I am no longer answering my phone. Hubby answers and tells people I am napping. I just want to cry and be shut into my bedroom. I will post something tomorrow morning before I head to the hospital. Oh how I wish they could give me a light sedative because today I feel like climbing a clock tower and taking some people out. (Figure of speech, of course)
And the babies have been kicking up a storm today. I think they know they are about to get evicted and aren't happy about it!
February 10, 2007
Twins Pass NST @ Hospital
February 9, 2007
Not ready to say goodbye to the big, hard belly
I hope they don't come tomorrow. I hope I can hold out until Monday. I need a few more days, but I've learned during the last two troubled weeks that I really don't have much control over anything anymore.
To all the pregnant-with-twins chicks out there in the blogosphere that read my blog, here is some advice I've learned through this experience...
- No matter how smooth everything has gone in your pregnancy, really start to watch your activity level post week 28. If possible, put yourself on self-imposed modified bed rest.
- Keep on eye out for excessive swelling of the hands, feet, and ankles. Don't just write it off as typical pregnancy stuff.
- It's never too early to get the nursery and baby(ies) gear ready. Things can happen very fast in a twin pregnancy.
- Don't compare your experience and time line to friends and family who have only had singleton pregnancies. It's truly not the same.
- When the OB tells you to call if there has been a change of any kind on fetal movement, he/she isn't kidding. CALL THEM. Don't feel stupid doing it either. Too much or too little activity is a problem.
- Keep a blog. It's the best journal in the world, and you will find a whole community of other women experiencing the same thing you are at the same time.
I know I could think of a million other little things, but I need to get to bed early tonight. Hopefully I will be able to post good things tomorrow, and get myself ready for the big event on Monday afternoon.
My C-Section has been scheduled!!!!!!!!!!
The twins' c-section as been scheduled for 1:30 PM (CST) on Monday, February 12th. I am so excited...and scared...and hyper...and numb.
I have another hospital ultrasound tomorrow morning. So, it's possible that they could be born tomorrow if they see it as an emergency. But I doubt that will happen.
Details later!
P.S. I started week 32 today.
Sleepy Son @ Peri Doc's = Frustration
February 8, 2007
A Good OB Appointment
February 7, 2007
Planning their great escape?
February 6, 2007
"Growth Restricted Baby"
I see my OB again on Thursday and I will see my perinatalist again on Friday. Saturday I will reach the very important milestone of week 32, and peri doc told us the decision will be made this weekend (or early next week) on when to take out the babies. We are at the point where it’s better for the babies to be outside of my body instead inside of me. Since they gave me my steroid shots in the hospital last week to mature the babies’ lungs, we have a window of time to deliver. Peri doc told us we will for sure be parents within 2 weeks time and to get our affairs in order, pack our bags, and wait for the call.
Anyway, I am scared and freaked out right now….very worried about our little girl. My mom will probably be coming back into town this weekend just in case the decision is made over the weekend.
February 5, 2007
Finally, I'm posting some good news!
February 4, 2007
Me a Year Ago

Oh, and the date stamp of the photos is off. It says 12/02/2006 because I accidentally put in the European date stamp. It was really 2/12/2006.
The last photo was also taken last February. It is the last photo of me with my Granny (before her death) and my Papa. She would have been so excited about the twins!
First Full Day Home
I am suppose to call both of my docs first thing in the morning to get worked into to seeing them tomorrow. I have admit, I am scared to do so. I am scared they will put me back in the hospital. Logically, of course, I know that if that's where they think I need to be, then that's the best place for me....but...I really didn't like it there.
Random thoughts...
- Yesterday when I was being released from the hospital I heard to most horrible sounds of my life. Some poor women was in labor down the hallway -- according to the nurses. It was her first baby and she had waited too long to go into the hospital. She was already dilated to 10 and it was too late for drugs! I have never heard that kind of suffering and pain before. For her sake, I hope it didn't last too long.
- On the morning of the my second day in the hospital, they wheeled me up to the NICU to take a tour with Hubby. That really motivated me to get the hell out of there! They had a 28-week baby next to a 32-week baby, and it was the difference between night and day! It's amazing what that one month of growth really looks like. They told me that every day I can hold the twins inside my belly subtracts 3 days from their time in the NICU. That is my only goal right now. Also, the whole time I was touring the NICU, the twins were kicking up a storm! I hope that was them sending me a sign that they don't want to be there either!
- My nurses were all wonderful, and I never questioned the level of care I was getting.
- It wasn't until my last day in the hospital that we truly learned just how serious of the situation was when I was admitted. They had already cleared an operating room for me, and the twins were literally about an hour or two away from the decision to be taken. I feel blessed that we dodged that bullet.
Anyway, I am staying on my strict bed rest. Looking forward to laying on the sofa with Hubby and watching the Super Bowl. Thankful that I have good babies that still want to stay inside for a bit longer.
February 3, 2007
I'm Home...for now!

Anyway, Hubby spent the night with me at the hospital last night. He unfolded the double-size bed in the room, and we had a chance to cuddle and really talk. I can't begin to tell you how much it helped me. He has always had such a calming effect on me.
My OB came by to do his rounds at 6:30 AM (when does this man sleep?). He said he was comfortable enough with my vitals and numbers that we could try bed rest at home. Two hours later, we were pulling into our driveway. I am so happy to be home. It's impossible to truly rest at a hospital. There is always someone coming in to test something on you, stick a needle in you, etc. I am utterly exhausted and feel like I could sleep for a week. I am NOT out of the woods. The only cure for pre-eclampsia is delivery, so I have hopefully just bought myself some extra time...perhaps even a few weeks. I could go back in tomorrow or a month from now...it's impossible to say.
Hubby is working from home until all of this over with. He will be taking me to my doc appointments (which will be almost daily). I am off to bed....so happy to be home for now. Thanks for all of your well wishes and encouraging words. I may need them again soon.
February 2, 2007
Day 3...Importance of Routine
5:30 AM -- Nurse comes in and weighs me. It's absurd they have to wake me up and do this so damn early in the morning, but she said something about the night nurse had to do at the end of her shift. Whatever. It's a cruel way to start a day.
6:00 AM -- Dr. Uribe's head nurse (Kim) usually stops by and sees how I am doing.
6:30 AM -- Dr. Uribe (my OB) stops by and says hello. Goes over my lab work, vitals and all other stats.
7:00 AM -- New nurse comes in and introduces herself. Takes my vital. Test my fasting morning blood.
7:30 AM -- I brush my teeth, wash my face, make some sort of attempt to feel refreshed.
8:00 AM -- Nurse comes in with my pre-breakfast insulin and usually the food tray. Breakfast absolutely sucks around here. The other meals are okay, but I have gotten used to eating a hearty breakfast at home (thanks to the diabetes, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day)
8:30 AM -- Call Hubby; find out when he is coming up to see me and what he agenda is for the day
9: 00 AM -- Blood pressure & other vitals checked. I get hooked up with a baby monitor to listen to and chart the babies' heartbeats, movement and contractions. I end up with a sore back because the additional weight of laying on my back for 20 minutes is really painful. I also end up with a slimy, ultrasound-jelly belly.
10 AM -- Nurse comes in the test my post-breakfast blood; might need some additional insulin.
10 - 11 AM -- Mark arrives. More vitals checked. Watch CNN or MSNBC. Phone calls. Nurses in and out. I also get to shower during this time....the highlight of the day.
Noon -- Insulin, food, Mark leaves to get himself some real food
1 - 3 PM -- This is when I am exhausted. After lunch, I get blood tested AGAIN, vitals checked, more insulin, baby monitor non-stress test again, and desperately trying to get in a nap.
And this goes on and on. Dinner is a 6 PM. I see more docs between 8 PM and midnight. I am literally only getting 4-ish hours of consecutive sleep each night. The only time I get out of bed is to go to the bathroom and to shower. That's it.
My blood pressure and blood sugars are looking pretty good. I am still trying to decide if I want to break out of here tomorrow. It's a possibility I guess, but I am afraid I will be right back here soon. I don't know what to do.
I got more flowers delivered today. It really does cheer you up when you are suck in a place like this.
I got the big talk today about exactly what to expect from a c-section from one of my nurses. I am really not to scared about it. I just want more time. It's all about time right now.
Did I mention that I would kill for a cheeseburger and fries right now?! :)
Baby Measurements
The perinatalist FINALLY appeared tonight. I like him when I actually see him and he is the best of the best in Austin, but he knows all of this...and acts accordingly.
Baby Boy = 3 lbs, 9 oz. Transverse position.
Baby Girl= 2 lbs, 15 oz (1 oz short of 3 lbs even). Breech position.
They are still "cuddling" with their heads next to each other. All vitals are good on them, but I am worried about our daughter. The size difference is growing greater and that has me worried, but the doc said she was only 2 oz less that where the average is for her age.
The shocking news...he giving me a less than 50/50 chance of making it until Valentine's Day (2 weeks from now), less than 25% of making it a week after than that, and no chance in hell of seeing March. My mouth hit the floor because I have been telling myself this was just a small bump in the road and I would get through this and go on another month of more. It's not going to happen. I need to just surrender myself and give up the desire to bed rest at home. My health situation could change in a few hours. This damn pre-eclampsia (spelling?) is dangerous stuff. I heard the word stroke, brain damage, etc. tonight for the first time. The danger is to both me and the babies.
BTW...too all the twin folks reading this...I have now been told today by the nurses in the NICU here that they are against any form of co-sleeping of twins. The American Pediatric Society said it is causing a lot of SIDS cases because the twins are breathing in each other's carbon dioxide (i.e., breathing in what the other is exhaling). Interesting.
I start week 31 on Friday ... or Saturday depending on which doc you ask.
On a lighter topic... my hubby and mom both went out to stock me up on magazines and books while I am here at the hospital. Hubby returned with all kinds of political, current event, and non-fiction items. My mom came back with celebrity rags, Good Housekeeping mag, and Family Circle mag. haha Safe to say Hubby knows me best, and mom has a bad case of wishful thinking. :)
February 1, 2007
Day 2...a better day
Right now it's all about taking it day by day. My new short term goal is making it to 32 weeks...which would be right before Valentine's Day.
Hubby and I took a tour of the NICU this afternoon. It was nice to go for a spin in the wheelchair and get out of my room, but seeing the babies in the NICU was hard. Unless you've actually seen what a 29 week baby looks like in person, you can't relate. Seton's NICU is the best in Austin and one of the best in Texas, but it was still upsetting. I came back to the room and had a good cry. Every week I keep them in my belly makes a world of good and I am willing to do anything I have to do...even if it means staying here.
If things remain stable, we may talk to the docs about letting me hire an at-home-nurse if they let me out of here this weekend. Hubby could work from home and keep an eye on me too. Unless there is a big change, Mom is going back to Houston on Sunday. I miss my dogs. I miss my king-size bed. I miss good food. I miss my stuff. I miss watching more than just basic cable. But we will just have to see what's best for the babies and me.
P.S. RIP Molly Ivins. She was one of my great personal and professional heroes. What a fantastic broad! (And yes, she would have wanted to be called a "broad!") I had the great honor of meeting her on a few occasions early in my journalist years. Now she is with her good friend Ann Richards.