Let's see...what do I have to report? Well, today is the first day that I haven't had a doctor's appointment. For the past four days straight, I have had four appointments. It's a bit embarrassing to admit this, but I feel exhausted on "doctor days." I usually have to get up early, parking in a massive parking garage, walk several blocks, and it just wipes me out.
I saw my OB again on Monday. I am doing great...blood pressure, weight gain, etc. He seems happy with my progress so far. He did an extensive ultrasound in an attempt to comfirm the genders. The twins are stacked on top of each other, so it's difficult to see the top baby. He can easily see the bottom baby with a vaginal ultrasound. He got a clear shot of the bottom baby. That twin was floating on it's back with legs up in the air. He rather confidently said it was a girl since he saw no external plumbing. We couldn't see the top baby very well. I truly hope it's a boy. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE one of each. I know hubby is worried about it too. I think it would be his biggest nightmare to have twin daughters. I worry about how disappointed he would be if we did not also get a son. I have my next appointment on November 2nd, and I hope we will know for sure then.
I finalized our reservations and we are headed to South Padre Island for our 3rd wedding anniversary in two weeks. Since I can't fly anymore, our options were limited. I am excited about it because I love going to the beach, but it's a helluva long drive. It will be the last time for a LONG time that we will be able to get away alone. It's one more reminder of how massively our lives are about to change.